Time for Hope

“And sometimes, against all the odds, against all logic, we still hope.”

The goals we set and the dreams we create about life are the fuel that gives us purpose and allows us to thrive. It is a common occurrence for people to get overwhelmed sometimes.  There are bills to pay, family obligations to keep, personal tragedies, and work bringing us down.  Sometimes the challenges we face seem like they are mountains too high to climb, and our goals and dreams fall to the back burner as the life of obligation takes over.

But hope still exists there buried in the back of your mind and can be pulled out to fuel your fire and try to move us in the direction of success you are dreaming of. Hope can exist in some pretty dark circumstances. It serves a great purpose to provide someone with the belief, no matter how down you are at this moment, things can turn around, and circumstances can present themselves in a way that allows you to find the dream you have in life and to achieve all of the goals you have set for yourself. It is a matter of time, attitude, and perseverance.

Develop a Keen Vision

The people who can hold on in life and make it through the tough times and still move toward their goals are the ones who develop a positive vision of the world. We all know that there will be dark times. Just as the sun comes up in the morning and ends the physical darkness in the world, a symbolic sun will rise in the darker times of your life.  Your job is to develop a vision that can see through the darkness and know the dawn of the solution is coming.

Each time a person decides to have faith and maintain hope in the goodness in the world and their life, the world becomes slightly better. We are all given opportunities in life to face our challenges. Some we handle easily, and others, of course, are much harder. But the hard lessons are the ones we take the most value from and the ones that shape the foundation of who we are. If you quit too soon and never give it all a go, you never get a chance to build a solid foundation. Your positive vision and hope allow you to grow into something better.

Just One More Try

So when the challenge comes to you in some way.  A job is too hard, you have a goal you only haven’t been able to reach, something you want isn’t working out for you, or a financial problem is rearing its ugly head. Whatever the challenge you face, hope will tell you to give it just one more try.

It doesn’t matter how many times life knocks you down. Life will knock you down from time to time. If you are knocked down eight times, get up after each one and press on. If you are after something you want, a few more moments of effort are worth it. Mentally, it is the man that refuses to be beaten that wins. Talent is great, but hope in a better outcome combined with the tenacity of action will push you over the top and allow you to achieve most goals. Just one more try is all it will take.

Never Forget The Light

It is up to you to never forget your dreams and know that change is inevitable and constant even though circumstances don’t seem favorable right now. It may move slowly, but it moves, and you will have an opportunity to grow and achieve what you desire. It is up to you to take advantage of this opportunity to become what you wish. Or you can choose to give up and never follow your desire.

Keep your hope alive in accomplishing whatever it is that you have always dreamed of having. Every new day comes with the possibility of greatness, and anything can happen on any day. The key ingredient to power these dreams and goals is hope. Be ready to accept all the good that can come your way.  And hope is always there. Find your faith and allow it to work its magic in your life today.

I still maintain hope in many things a less stubborn person would have given up on a long time ago. I have confidence the sun will rise tomorrow and reveal a day I am longing for in my life. I aspire to things that could come as soon as tomorrow. I wake with a heart of hope and a mind filled with possibility. What better way could there be to live?

 “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”- Desmond Tutu

“There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. ” Bernard Williams

“Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm, and genuine people.”   Tena Desae


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