Tag Archives: Your Voices

Your Little Voice

We all have an inner voice that speaks to us. Sometimes it’s a positive voice, encouraging us to chase our dreams and pursue our goals. Other times, a negative voice holds us back and tells us we’re not good enough or that we’ll never succeed. This negative voice can be so strong that it can prevent us from taking risks, trying new things, and achieving our full potential.

What to know about the Voice

It’s important to understand that this negative voice is not a reflection of who we are as people. It’s simply a product of our experiences and the messages we’ve internalized over time

Our Negative Voices

. These messages may have come from critical parents or teachers, societal expectations, or even our own self-doubt.

But the good news is that we don’t have to be held back by this negative voice. We can learn to recognize when it’s speaking to us and take steps to overcome it.

Overcome Negative with Positive

One way to overcome the negative voice is to challenge it with evidence. For example, if the negative voice tells us that we’re not good enough to apply for a certain job, we can make a list of our skills and accomplishments to prove to ourselves that we are qualified. If the negative voice tells us that we’ll fail at a new hobby, we can remind ourselves of times when we’ve succeeded at something new in the past.

Another way to overcome the negative voice is to practice self-compassion. This means treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding that we would offer to a friend who was going through a tough time. When we make mistakes or face setbacks, we can remind ourselves that everyone experiences these things and that they don’t define our worth as a person.

Surround Yourself with Good People

It can also be helpful to surround ourselves with positive influences, whether that’s supportive friends and family members, inspiring books and podcasts, or uplifting social media accounts. By filling our lives with positivity, we can counteract the negative messages we may have internalized over time.

Ultimately, the key to overcoming the negative voice is to take action despite it. We may never be able to silence that voice completely, but we can choose to act in alignment with our values and goals despite the fear and doubt that it may be trying to instill in us. By taking small steps toward our goals each day, we can build momentum and confidence and eventually prove to ourselves that we are capable of achieving great things.

In conclusion, the negative voice in our heads can be a powerful force that holds us back from achieving our full potential. But by challenging it with evidence, practicing self-compassion, surrounding ourselves with positivity, and taking action in spite of it, we can learn to overcome it and find success in our lives. Remember that you are not alone in facing this challenge, and with time and effort, you can learn to overcome the negative voice and achieve your dreams.

The Voices in Your Head

egoKeep an eye on your ego. What can you do right now that is going to change your life?

That is a question that more and more people ask because they look at their lives and feel that it lacks in some way. At this point, people start to look at the possibilities, and almost as quickly as they think of something they would like to do, there is a competing voice explaining why it is a bad idea. Give it a try, find that great idea, project, or sure money-making thing, and then wait a few minutes. The voice of your ego will speak up to maintain the safe status quo.

It is no wonder we are often confused and discouraged. Learning to listen to your cheerful voice and ignore your ego’s negative chiming is one of the most valuable life skills that a person can develop.

Our Negative Voice or Ego

The negative voice in our head has had a lot of practice letting us know egowhat is possible and, more often than not, what is impossible. This is the voice of our ego based on the conditioning of life. From society, from our parents, teachers, peers, media, and anyone else we have listened to since we came into this world. It has become a constant companion to stop you from doing something “dangerous” or feeling the pain of failure. Or, more often than not, it is to allow you to fit in.

This egoic voice has been a part of our lives that we don’t even notice anymore. We accept the limits as “common sense” or “a fact” when there is nothing logical or factual about limiting who we are. Ask yourself, why not?

Positive Voice Cancels Ego

A cheerful voice in all of us knows what we want to try. It creative voicealways has and has been in constant competition with the voice of the ego. What do you dream about? Travel, a new career, a great relationship, and having millions of dollars are prevalent dreams, but think of your goals and listen to the limiting thoughts that follow.

Travel, “I can’t possibly get away, and I have obligations. Maybe next year.”

Relationships, “Nobody gets me. All of the good ones are taken. They are all crazy.” These limiting beliefs we choose to listen to will bring precisely what we have always experienced into our lives. At best, in a bad relationship or, at worst, alone.

Suppose you want something in your life. Then you must try to do it and learn to ignore the persistently negative voice of the ego in your head. You are a creative person with good ideas, and attempting to implement them will bring something positive into your life. Why not take a risk? Why not follow your dream? It is only through the effort of trying your goals have any chance of happening. Not trying because of fear, doubt, or negative thinking is the coward’s way out. Don’t go out that way in life.

You Can Do Anything

The bottom line is that you can do anything you want, and the chase dreamschoice is yours to follow the creative voice inside you, do what you feel you should, and ignore the negative limiting beliefs of ego that our lives have saddled us with.

We are in control of our experience in life, and that comes from the daily choices we make to be our dream, try what our creativity calls us to do, or retreat into the safety of our mediocre existence. We have this choice each day a thousand times. The next time you have an idea, your negative voice starts to tell you why it is unreasonable, and a positive could never happen. Ignore that voice of ego and focus on the thought of, “Why not!”