Tag Archives: Woodrow Call

Lessons of Lonesome Dove

If I ever have the time to sit down and watch an eight-hour epic event, it would be Lonesome Dove, the mini-series from the late 80’s which was in a word, awesome!  It was based on the novel written by Larry McMurtry, which I have read as well, but the movie is better than the book.  So I encourage you to sit back and relax and take a few evenings in the near future and watch Lonesome Dove and follow these cowboys on their journey from Texas to Wyoming.

You Should Watch Lonesome Dove

If you have seen it, you’ll remember why you liked it.  If you haven’t seen it, time to get out from under that rock and get some old west entertainment.  To help you along here is a list of characters and what I liked or didn’t like about them.

Lonesome Dove
Captain Augustus McCrae

Augustus ‘Gus’ McCrae played by Robert Duvall, my personal favorite character, because he knew how to joke and have a good time, but steal his woman and he will follow you to the end of the Earth and kill all of the outlaws that get in his way. He also has a perspective on life that is simple and easy to follow.

“Just once I’d like the chance to shoot at an educated man.”

Woodrow Call: “We come to this place to make money. They wasn’t nothin’ about fun in the deal.”
Gus McCrae: “What are you talkin’ about? You don’t even like money. You like money even less than you like fun if that’s possible.”

“God Woodrow it ain’t dying I’m talking about… it’s living”

Here’s to the sunny slopes of long ago.”

“Well, I’m glad I ain’t scared to be lazy.”

“Lorie darlin’, life in San Francisco, you see, is still just life. If you want any one thing too badly, it’s likely to turn out to be a disappointment. The only healthy way to live life is to learn to like all the little everyday things, like a sip of good whiskey in the evening, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk, or a feisty gentleman like myself.” Captain Augustus McCrae

My Personal Favorite: “The older the violin, the sweeter the music.”

“Yesterday’s gone and we can’t get it back.”

Woodrow Call: You ever get tired o’ loafin’ I reckon you can get a job waitin’ on tables.
Gus McCrae: “Oh, I had a job waitin’ tables once. S’ on a riverboat. I wasn’t no older than Newt, there, but I hadda give it up.”
Newt: “How come?”
Gus McCrae: “Well I was, too young and pretty and the whores wouldn’t let me alone.”

“I wish you’d taken that chance a little earlier, Jake; a man who’ll go along with five killin’s, takin’ his leave a little slow. “

My Assessment of Augustus McCrae- He is honest, tough, likes to have fun, a little wild and wise.  He likes a good time and he loves the ladies,  A lot like me.  A great character, Robert Duvall’s best work.  I can’t imagine anyone else being Gus other than him!  His friendship with Woodrow is also something that most people can relate to.

10 Lessons Learned from Augustus McCrea

  1. If you wouldn’t cheat at cards for a poke, you don’t want one bad enough
  2. The older the violin the sweeter the music
  3. Make fun wherever you are
  4. Enjoy the little things every day
  5. He doesn’t like dawdling service
  6. He doesn’t need anyone’s help to kill outlaws
  7. Sometimes you just want to chase buffalo
  8. Pride comes before the fall
  9. Writing to two women at the same time is ticklish business
  10. Enjoy life, it is a short ride.

Woodrow F. Call

Captain Woodrow F. Call, Lonesome Dove
Captain Woodrow F. Call

Played by Tommy Lee Jones, before he was a big Hollywood superstar.  This was definitely his best work.  The uptight, workaholic who is so emotionally tied up he can’t even tell his own son that he is his father.  Woodrow is a tough bastard, who doesn’t take any foolishness from anybody else.  You do not mess with the captain.  Ask the army scout who tried to steal Dish’s horse, and was hitting Nute.  Great Scene, and Woodrow’s response, “I hate rude behavior in a man, I won’t tolerate it.”  Classic.  The fact that he would travel across half the country to keep a promise to his friend is all you need to know about this character.  We all strive to be this honest, forthright and solid person.  You mess with mine and I’ll kick your butt all over Nebraska.

Some Favorite quotes:  “Well is there anything else? Are you sure you don’t want me to haul you down to the South Pole and bury you down there? All you gotta do is ask.”

“I reckon I’m as American as anyone from Tennessee.”

To Gus: ” I’d like to see the herd that you and Jake could gather. Herd o’ whores, maybe.”

“You’re one-of-a-kind, Augustus. We’re gonna miss you. ”

“I hate rude behavior in a man. I won’t tolerate it.”

Below is the best scene with Woodrow and Gus in a bar in San Antonio.  Gus whacks a surly bartender for ‘sassing” him.

Woodrow F. Call is a character that almost any man can relate to.  We all are bound and repress our emotions because that is what we do.  If you don’t understand men at all, watch Woodrow F. Call, we are all like that on the inside.   We never want to admit we made a mistake, we never want to ask for help, we never want anyone we care about to suffer.

10 Lessons of Woodrow F. Call

  1. Work is good for you.
  2. Don’t stay up half the night talking
  3. Rude behavior will be dealt with accordingly
  4. Ride with an outlaw, die with an outlaw
  5. A promise is a promise no matter what
  6. Never ask for help
  7. Don’t admit that you are human
  8. Protect your family
  9. Leadership is earned not given
  10. Yesterday’s gone and we can’t get it back

They Say you are a man of Vision. A Hell of a vision.