Tag Archives: when your hurting

It Can Be Difficult to Be There

It can be hard sometimes to be there for those we care about.

Being a human being living a human life is going to present a roller coaster ride of experiences. We can feel on top of the world one minute but then down in the gutter a little while later. Experiences are neither positive nor negative, except for the emotional thoughts we apply to them. We will have times of being up, times of being down, and being in the middle. Our attitude determines what we will feel and contribute to the world through all of these times. I wanted to put four thoughts in your mind today that might help you navigate the rough waters of life.

“I am here for you.” — Sometimes, all you can give is your presence. People experience pain and disappointment, and all the talk in the world will not help ease the pain inside them. But a simple statement and following actions of being there provide support and kindness no word could explain. I am a problem solver and want to solve every problem for everyone. It takes wisdom to step back and be there, not with solutions or ideas but with love and support. Look for the places you can give the gift of your presence to someone else.

“I know you are there, and I am happy.”–  I think recognizing when someone is there for you is also vital. It can be easy to look past a person’s effort to be there and get caught up on our thoughts, worries, and problems. Look at who is there for you, that you care about, and know they care about you, and allow yourself to be happy about that. Being happy is always a choice, and having someone who cares about you enough to be there is always a good thing.

“I know that you are suffering, and that’s why I’m here for you.” — When someone we care about is in pain, I think we all want to take their pain and suffering away. But that is not how pain and suffering work. It is a part of our life story, and we have to learn to deal with it positively or harm and destroy us. We can recognize the suffering of those we care about and let them know we are here for them. Saying this is a critical way to support those who need it and speak it, not just assume they know it, is essential. Who could you talk these words to today? Who would you like to hear them from?

“I am suffering. Please help me.” — People are stubborn and individualistic when it comes to asking for help. It is seen as a sign of weakness in our culture to ask for anyone’s help, but sometimes, that is just what we need. Just the warm and loving presence of another who we know is there to support us when we are down. Suffering is a part of life. It happens when you care; it occurs when you love. It simply happens. The human mind is a complex machine and allows us to think, and with each thought comes a corresponding emotion. Sometimes it is just good to share that pain without worrying about what someone will think. Seek the people who can listen to you and be there for “you, and “help ease your suffering.

These four simple thoughts will affect you when you are suffering and can help you provide help to others. Give them a try, see how they can help you give, and positively get support.

Being t “ere at the moment is everything.”–unknown” n

Presence is more than just being there.”–Malcolm Forbes

“Just being there for someone can sometimes bring hope when all seems hopeless.”–Dave  Llewelyn

I may not be the kind of person you want me to be, but I will always be there for you.”–Alfus Liney Jallow

If someone needs you, don’t let them down. Because when you need someone and there is no one to be found, you will know how they felt.”–Isabe “la Poretsis