Tag Archives: What Are You Searching For?


find yourselfBeing lost can be a terrifying situation, and you have no idea where you are or where to go to find safety and security. Yet it is in these times when a person has to look inside themselves for characteristics that will guide them toward a haven. 

The qualities and talents we possess work to guide us in times of trouble. When the seas are calm and we know exactly where we are going, there is no need for these talents to rise to the surface.

They lie dormant, like an emergency plan you never need to use. When we are lost, the emergency has arrived, and our talents will rise to the surface if we don’t panic and allow them to do so. In these moments, we find out just who we are, what we can do, and what makes us excel. You will find yourself and be impressed with the person that you meet who has been inside of you all along.

Steps to Find Yourself

Getting lost is not as easy as it sounds. People continually build routine into their day, which provides a find yourselfsense of security and control over life and its adventures. Unfortunately, life doesn’t play out that way. There is always a death, the loss of a job, a family emergency coming our way to destroy the routine and cause us to grow.

We need to get away from the normal and get into a place where our wits are required for us to thrive. You never know what you can do until you have to. Being lost can be the first step. Being lost in your direction and not knowing what you need in your life is a common thing. There is a need to get away from the noise and clamor of life and get to a quiet and still place. Inside and outside.

Who am I?

finding-yourself1Each of the things that I want to have associated with me will be chosen in search of myself, and that search will begin when I don’t know where I am. A chance to be still and look at the thoughts I think and what is important to me. Do I want to be fearless? Honest? Kind? Thoughtful? Reliable? Open-minded? Or would I rather be their opposite?

All of these questions are answered by each of us with every choice we make every day. When you are lost, you have a chance to observe the thoughts you are entertaining in your head consistently. These thoughts are going to describe what you are as a person. Sometimes we head down a road we shouldn’t because of poor decisions brought on by weak moments. Perhaps greed, lust, or desire pulled us into a pattern that we don’t like.

The beginning of change will come when we have the time to notice precisely what we are doing. When you are alone, “lost,” there is nothing that will bring you home but yourself.

Don’t Fear The Search.

Being alone and lost can be scary, but don’t fear the search inside you. The change will have to come as it inevitably will throughout life. We will change, and most will rise and fall like the tide in the ocean. We are moving from the peak of our abilities nowhereto the depth of our weakness. Life is a journey, and we shouldn’t fear these shifts. We should embrace them.

These fluctuations have led me from times of certainty to times of question. When I was searching, dramatic growth occurred, or the most important ideas came to me and helped move me back toward a better version of myself.

I walked through life for many years, thinking I knew what life was all about, only to be taught that I knew nothing. This lesson came as I was lost, but the best part of that experience was that it was that period of being lost that led to a flood of knowledge and change that improved everything and made me reach new areas of thought and action, and I look for that process to continue.

It happens in the deepest woods, the darkest night, the most secluded spot, that you realize that you are lost and know that there is nothing to fear at that moment. All is as it should be, and you are just a few moments away from finding your way to your best self.