Tag Archives: Understanding the Cycles of Your Life

Stages of Life

Cycles- a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.

Tunnel vision seems to be a talent people develop. Looking at the one moment or situation and only seeing what is in front of them. They understand their experiences as individual events, affecting only them in this one moment. But there is a more massive game at play as we move through your life cycle. Things are moving together at once to a conclusion we are neither in control of nor conscious of their happening.

Today the challenge is to be more aware of the cycles we are moving through in our individual experiences. It starts with looking at the thoughts you are thinking to lead to events, the words we use to describe them and ourselves, and our actions to make things happen. Life is not a snapshot. It is a video, and watch the whole thing.

Inevitable Cycles

There are some events that we are destined to go through. All things come, and they go. Life as a whole is one of these inevitable cycles. You can’t avoid it because the control lies with nature, and we are just players in this action. We are here through its production from the beginning, middle, and end, which is not negotiable. We have no idea when the end is going to come. That makes the cycle a little more exciting, but most go through the period without noticing something in arcane ignorance.

The one thing we do have control over is how we respond to the larger cycle of life. We can hide in unconscious entertainment activities, letting each move in the period pass us unnoticed and unappreciated, or notice the changes and turns in the life cycle. As the twists and turns on a rollercoaster, you can choose to prepare and enjoy the moments or hide your eyes and let them slip away. Some will be sad, of course, but most will be glorious. Don’t wallow in the tragedy. Enjoy the magnificent. Get into the cycle of life you are currently experiencing. It will not go on forever.

Some Cycles Need to be Broken

On a smaller scale, we all establish cycles in our lives. The routines run them we create to manage our lives and make them as productive and enjoyable as we can. How we prepare for the day, get to work, eat our meals, and spend our free time can all be included in our daily cycle. Sometimes these cycles bring a narrow scope of life or include bad habits, which are not suitable for our health, mentally or physically. The good part is that we can break them at any moment.

It starts with becoming aware of what your particular cycle brings into your life. Perhaps it is causing you to shut out opportunities for new adventures because it would mean a change. Maybe it is keeping unhealthy relationships and habits in your reality because they bring comfort. The person in charge of breaking a destructive cycle is you and you alone. Become conscious of the results of the cycles you are experiencing today, like old clothes that are out of style or worn out. Once, they had a purpose, but now it’s time to move on and wear something new. Break a destructive cycle and start a new one. It can happen any time you consciously choose to do so.

New Cycles

It is also interesting that we can create cycles and routines that include all of the healthy and enjoyable things life offers with a little conscious effort. When you want to do this, look for something that you know has to change or another that you want to add to your life. Then see where it fits. Exercise can be one of these things. When it moves from something that you would like to do to something that you must do, it will become a part of your life cycle.

New cycles are painful at first, but slowly they become a part of your life, and you move through them seamlessly as if they were always there. This experience happens when you change jobs or move to a new location. We seek familiarity in our routines to find ourselves in a unique situation. There is a comfort in the known that makes even the strangest place feel like home. Look for the cycles you can create that will make you feel this way.

The Endings are the Beginnings: Cycles

All cycles do end for us, eventually. Rather than be sad about the loss, be happy about the beginning that will result from it. Even the end of life brings a new start in some way. As our consciousness ends, another may be born. If left to our own devices, our bodies would return to the Earth and provide nutrients for a new life. Take a moment today and notice the cycles around you and the many endings, beginnings, and middles that exist everywhere.

It can come from enjoying a cup of coffee to appreciating a conversation. They are in everything, and by being conscious of them, you become more aware of the substance of life. One thing ends, bringing the beginning of another. The cycle of life is there for you to watch. And it all starts with you paying more attention to the thoughts you entertain, the words you speak, and the actions you take because of it. Notice your life cycles and honestly seek to make them more positive and healthy every day. The life you improve will be your own.

“Each thing is like form from everlasting and comes round again in its cycle.”~ Marcus Aurelius

“Karma, memory, and desire are just the software of the soul. It’s conditioning that the soul undergoes to create experience. And it’s a cycle. In most people, the cycle is a conditioned response. They do the same things over and over again.”~ Deepak Chopra

This, too shall pass.