Tag Archives: things we perceive

Seeing Both Sides Now

Look at things in a way that benefits you. Change your perception.  

Two different people can look at the same thing and see something different. One may know an insurmountable roadblock, and it causes them to give up. Another comes to the same barrier and sees an opportunity, a way to get ahead or discover something new about the world or themselves.

It is the same situation, but we create the value or limits of that situation in our minds. If you believe it is an end, then it is an end. If you think it is the beginning, then it is the beginning. Your perception of anything will determine your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions about that thing. Look at the way you look at things.

Fair and Unfair

There are going to be challenges faced in every life. Nobody lives from birth until death and never sees any adversity, and that would be a life with very little growth in it. The challenges we face will force us to look at them and react to them as we see fit. The reaction you learn to have will determine if you are successful or not in life. One of the biggest lessons we can learn is to see everything as an opportunity and not something that will hold us back.

Many things happen in our lives; some seem reasonable and fair, and others are seemingly unfair and difficult. How we label a crisis doesn’t change the dynamics of what that emergency entails. All things are how we see them. Is it an overwhelming end of the world? Or is it an opportunity to learn something or experience something else you might have previously recognized as impossible? The choice there is all in your head, and how you decide to perceive it, you will make a choice. It is never what comes your way but how you react to it that determines your destiny. If you still have breath, then you can always make a choice. That is the fairest thing about life.

Some things to Focus On

There are a few things about perspective to think about. Maintain some objectivity when something happens. It isn’t easy to let our emotions get involved when something happens. Fear, anger, frustration, or other negative emotion often raises their ugly head. Work to keep an even keel, and look at the whole picture before you react off the cuff or on the fly. Then put the negative away.

Choose to see the good in a situation if it is possible. Sometimes this can be nearly impossible, but it will allow you to focus your energy on how to overcome the difficulty and move toward success. If you can learn to ignore what limits and bothers other people, you will be a step ahead and near the front. Then focus on what can be controlled and work to manage those things.

What is your perspective?

How are you looking at the things in your way today? Are they too big to manage? Do you feel like quitting? Or are you seeing them as the opportunity they are? How you answer these questions will probably be a determining factor in how things will play out for you.

“Our understanding is correlative to our perception.”- Robert Delaunay

“There are things known, and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception. “—Aldous Huxley

“One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one’s perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.”     Tom Robbins