Tag Archives: The True Meaning of Trust


Trust- firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Walking in the middle of something gives a perspective that makes it challenging to see the possibilities that lie on the edges beyond your current scope of vision. You focus on the things you see, and it can be frustrating because we want certain things to happen, and we want them in the manner we imagine they should come. It is frustrating and a little scary when things don’t happen exactly how we pictured them. Life runs on a script that we can influence but can’t write. It takes having a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something, or trust in life and yourself. Let go and trust the Universe.

The True Meaning of Trust

You are a great human soul with unlimited potential. From the moment we are born, influences and circumstances are conspiring to tell us that we are less than we are. We forget what we can do when we set our minds to it. It is easy to let doubt and a lack of confidence affect you and make you accept lesser circumstances as OK or, worse yet, to think less of yourself.

As people, we can think and use our imaginations. In that creative thought, there is a power to bring the unseen into reality. It happens all the time in all areas of life. Each work of art, new business idea, or invention began in someone’s imagination and was brought into reality. It has been that way since the beginning of man. Sometimes when things aren’t going the way, we want to start to be more creative and trust ourselves to bring into reality the things that will make us happy. To have faith in life will bring your thoughts into reality.

Trusting Other People

When it comes to trusting others, that can be not easy. So many people seem to be out to build their plans and selfishly take care of their things. Trust comes on a collection of results from actions taken. The people you can trust will reveal themselves over time, as will the people you can’t trust. Be kind and understanding with others because they are just trying to travel their path as best they can.

Trust arrives with honesty and truth, so be honest and truthful, and those who are not will reveal themselves. Always value being honest with others and telling the truth in all situations, and you will be trusted and find people you can trust along the path of life. Then when you see them, don’t let go of them. This course can be a challenge, but it is worth it because honesty is something we all need, and to find someone you truly trust is like finding a hidden treasure.

How to Let Go and Trust

There are higher forces in the world than us. Life has been happening for thousands of years before we arrived and will continue long after we have gone. It is essential to understand that life is not meant to be easy but to bring us the experiences that will make us better people and find our purpose. What we want and what life wants to teach us can be the same. Often, the hardest thing to do is decide what we want and think about it and let life handle the details.

Trusting that we don’t know the best method to get where we want to go and accept the journey might not look exactly as we imagined it would. But that may be the most effective way to contact us where we want to go and do what we love to do. Sometimes it seems we are just a passenger on this ride of life, and in truth, that is what we are a lot of time. We can steer the car, but life seems to choose the roads. Don’t be frustrated with the experience. Trust that life is taking you exactly where you need to go and enjoy the ride. The journey is the real prize anyway.

Take a moment this day to look at your life and see how many miraculous things are in your life right now. Count them and state them clearly. You are healthy. You have plenty of possibilities; you are breathing. Some people love you and people you love. Use your imagination to create and trust that the forces around you will bring great things into your life. Be grateful and have a joy in your heart that today all is good, and the possibilities of tomorrow are infinite. The biggest problem with knowing what you want is knowing you know the best way to bring it all about. Life knows more than you will ever learn. Trust the process and be the best you can be today. Trust, you will get the great things that are coming.

Let go and trust the Universe.

Trusting in life Quotes

“Sometimes, when you lose your way, you find YOURSELF.” ― Mandy Hale

“Trust what feels true even if that truth requires you to ignore what you know.” – Gina Greenlee

“Trust starts with truth and ends with truth.”

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”-Stephen R. Covey