Tag Archives: teach lessons as well

Show Time

I once heard it said that each person lives their life as if they are staring at their very own television show. All of the people who are entering your life are there to contribute something to your character’s storyline and the plot of your show. Very little substance would occur on these shows if there weren’t other “cast members” around to prompt the action, emotions, and thoughts.  It is an interesting way to look at your life and the people who are in it. Look at how people have entered your life. Some have been there from the beginning, it seems, and others have been introduced along the way. But all of our cast members are here for a reason, and to notice their contribution is important to understand what you need to learn about yourself in this particular episode of your life.  The cast you have is the cast you need.

The Good Guys

Looking at your life as a show makes you realize all of the different supporting characters that have drifted in and out of your life over the years—each leaving a mark on your existence. The supportive ones are always there in a time of need, and sometimes we have to let them play their role.  As we learn about ourselves and the lessons, they come from those we love, care about, or are friends with. I have often seen people come for a season or two, but a few stick around for the whole run of your show.

Cherish the characters that stick around and share their television show with you. You contribute to them, and they contribute to you. It is a symbiotic relationship. Some of them are family, some are just friends, but all need to be appreciated. Not all shows run smoothly. There is going to be drama, downtimes, and pain. But sticking around through all of that stuff shows how valuable you are to them. All people enter your life for a reason, and usually, it is to teach you something. Some teach you lots, some just one thing. It is valuable stuff, and to value the deliverer as much as the information delivered is a life skill we should work on developing.

The Bad Guys

Bad guys teach good lessons.

Sometimes we need a lesson taught so badly to become our best selves, and life sends us people who play the part of the villain in our little show. They work as our arch enemies. They make us mad, upset, frustrated, and make us wonder why anyone could be so evil. Look at what your greatest rivals force you to do. First, you have to reevaluate all things in your life. To compete and defeat the enemy in your story, you need to get control over yourself.  People hurt us or work from their own self-interest. Most importantly, our well-being is not high on their list of concerns.

We need to embrace these types of folks because it is through them that we see the valuable life lessons. If someone talks badly about you, then they are teaching you a lesson. You get an opportunity to look at what you do not want to be. When you see the destructive path that gossip or negativity creates, you know that is not the energy you want in your life.  How other people act is their karma, and they have to own that. How you act is yours, and you also own that. The bad guys provide a chance for us to develop our positive traits and become the best version of ourselves possible.  Light is never as bright as compared to darkness.

That’s a Wrap

At the end of it all, your show is eventually going to wind down and end when the star of your show slips his Earthly bonds and moves on to the great beyond. It is important to appreciate all the people in your life and their unique contributions to you. Know that all people who enter your life can bring you something good even if they are not good themselves.  There are things to learn every day, examples to see, and experiences to share.  Nothing can be shared if you have no others in your life.

Take a moment now and then and take note of your cast and crew: the good guys and the bad. List them and thank them for their contributions to your story. Understand that you are not only the start of your show but a supporting actor on many other shows as well. How do they look at you? Each day is a chance to define what it is you stand for and the impact you want to have on the world. Choose your character well because that is what the world will see, and it is a choice.

Everybody’s a dreamer, and everybody’s a star………………..