Tag Archives: soft rain


“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.”

Rain is an inevitable part of your life, and it doesn’t matter where you live. If you live in a tropical climate, you probably experience a rainy season and devise ways to deal with it.  If you live in a desert, you probably dream about what it would be like to be drenched in the rain. Wherever you live, the rain will have a symbolic or emotional meaning to you.  Personally, I have developed an appreciation for the rain I experienced in my life, and it has been there clearly in the background.  Watching the gentle rainfall on a calm lake in summer. Each drop forming soft circles of impact and a soothing sound of comfort and peace. Rain is a symbol of rejuvenation and cleansing. All lives need this from time to time.  There has been a lot of rain in my life.

The Soft-Spoken Rain

rain 2I love the rain when it falls outside, on a warm spring, summer, or fall night. Lightly dancing its tap dance on the roof and reminding me just how lucky I am to be sitting inside.  Rain is also great for sleeping as well, the sound of rain hitting the ground is one of the most soothing sounds you can listen to.  Torrents of peace flowing out of the sky, landing softly on the grass for you to enjoy.  As you drop off to sleep, there is no thought or thankfulness for the rain, just an inner warmth or affection for warm blankets and the soft-spoken rain.

In my youth, I would look forward to the summer nights when the rain would fall and tap out its unique, soothing song on the roof. Always different, always wild, taking me to calmness and the gentle arms of rest and rejuvenation. No song has ever been as soothing and as sweet as the whispers of that rain, singing me to sleep.

The Cleansing of Rain

rain 4Sometimes, it seems that no matter what kind of mistake you have made in your past, the falling of rain from the sky can provide you with the solace that whatever you have done is not permanent but a passing part of life.  Mistakes are not meant to be tattooed on your skin, and they are meant to be temporary teaching moments.  Rain allows nature to wash clean, and just as the rain changes nature, so are we.  The coming of the rain hastens to heal the scars that lie underneath, and it will allow you to refresh your soul and start again.

The Sad Rain

rain 3There is a bit of retrospection that the rain can bring on. It is only natural to remember moments of bliss, love, and affection that we once created during the rain.  Those moments as miraculous as they were, are now gone. Remembering these lost times is always a bitter-sweet moment. It is better to have experienced those times and the clarity and emotion of the experience.

Yet, there is a wistful realization in the rain that just like each drop is unique and falls only once, those moments were the same. You will never get them back, and that is at the root of the morose pall that surrounds the rain. You would think people would want to avoid this, but really most want to remember and relive those perfect times regardless of the pain they cause.

Here Comes The Rain

No matter what we do in our life, there is going to be rain. You will always have the choice to love it for the benefits it brings, eventually ending and leaving for the sun. Or you can choose to hate it as a nuisance, a pestilence that brings nothing but cold, wet, and muddy weather.  The choice of how you feel about the rain is all up to you.  Dread it, love it, praise it, hate it the rain doesn’t care what you think it is going to continue to fall.  It’s up to us whether we get wet or use an umbrella.

“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.”- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

“Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.”-Vladimir Nabokov.

“The rain began again. It fell heavily, easily, with no meaning or intention but the fulfillment of its own nature, which was to fall and fall.”-Helen Garner.