Tag Archives: Impact of Words

The Power of Our Words

words powerI think the right words can make all the difference in everything, from the power of your conversations to the value of your work with others. Terms contain power, and with that power, there is an opportunity to allow you to change the way others see the world or even change the value of your ideas. Words can build people up or tear them down just as quickly. You are the only person who can choose what is going to happen. Choose your words wisely. 

Word Power

Every word contains within it a certain amount of power. The power to draw out your imagination or cause a strong emotional response from anyone who hears it. Each thought we have is personal and can only be expressed once paired with the right combination of language. You 41kF3Emr+sL._SX300_demonstrate this each day in your interactions throughout your life at work, home, or out and about as you move from place to place. Changing specific words in your vocabulary can change how others interact with you and, more importantly, feel about themselves because of that interaction.

Words have the power to encourage someone who is down. They can motivate anyone who hears them. Words can make the lonely feel loved and the lost understand what it is to be found. Comments can provide calmness for anger, uplift those who need it, praise the worthy, and teach powerful lessons to those who need to hear them. Yet there is, of course, a negative side to words. They can be used to destroy people, level self-esteem, wreck someone’s character, and desensitize people to another’s humanity. Comments can also destroy the positive light that is located within each person. Words contain the power to build and waste, and their wielder decides which direction their words are headed.

Take Care With Your Words

It is up to you which words you use and the damage or healing they bring to the world. If you choose carefully your wordsto disparage and destroy someone, that is what you will get with your words. Much like magic spells mentioned in fairy tales of youth, our words work on all involved fates. You have the power to tear someone down to their foundation and make it almost impossible for them to build themselves back up again. If you gossip, speak in anger, tell lies, are mean, or cast aspersions on others, your words will leave quite a path of destruction in their wake. The funny thing about this is that those who use their words to destroy others are, in the end, killed themselves.

If you choose to use your words for healing and to build people up, you will, in turn, be built up and encouraged in your journey. Terms of kindness, understanding, acceptance, encouragement, or love will lift others and allow them to see the best of themselves through your eyes. Think of the most motivational quote you have ever read or heard. It is nothing but the well-thought-out use of words, spreading their magic into your mind. The right words bloom and grow into other positive thoughts, feelings, and ideas that can improve your life, the lives of those you care about, and the world.

Do not be frivolous with your words. Use them wisely. Think before you speak. Look to encourage and support in all things, and you will have done a minor part in making the world better.

Look at the use of your words today and pair them with your actions, and you will see the absolute power you have in your comments.