Tag Archives: focus on your health

If You Haven’t Got Your Health

Health-a person’s mental or physical condition

HealthNo matter what things you create in life or how intelligent you are, you don’t have anything if you haven’t got your health. Everything we experience is through the senses of our bodies, and greatness is achieved through the use of a keen mind, a fit body, and a spirit that will guide you in all sorts of weather.  Each day your health should be one of your highest priorities.  To lack health on any side of the sacred triangle of body, mind, and spirit will limit what a person can accomplish and how they experience life.  Work to keep yourself in peak mental and physical condition throughout your years, or your years will be much shorter and less enjoyable than they should be.  My contention is to find a way to improve myself by at least .01% each day. That is to make sure that I am physically, spiritually, and mentally at least .01% better than yesterday. It is a simple philosophy; if you are not getting better, you are getting worse.

The Human Body was Built to Move

You have been given a gift of a body, and through this gift, you experience the world. How well you maintain your gift will determine what you can do and how you can do it.  So it makes sense to treat your body as healththe most valuable asset it is, and this is done by getting regular periods of exercise and eating a reasonably healthy diet.

The human body was designed to move. It enjoys movement and exercise and will respond favorably to this experience. The body releases endorphins that reward exercise, which improves your mood throughout the day. For me, the exercise I love is lifting weights and some cardio.  For you, it may be yoga, running, mixed martial arts, aerobics, or any other workout.  Start doing it today; if you don’t know what you like, start with just walking.  Do something. The human body was not designed to sit down all day and do nothing. Too often, our activities are voluntarily sedentary. In moderation, there is nothing wrong with that.  As a lifestyle, it will lead to poor mental and physical health.  If you want to be sharper mentally, raise your self-esteem, and enjoy life more, participate in regular exercise.   The earlier you start, the easier it will be to maintain throughout life.

You Are what you Eat

Food should be looked at as something that sustains your body and allows you to perform. As Americans, we have an unhealthy attachment to the foods we eat. Eating is a social thing, and certain foods become activities of healthcomfort.  Each time we eat for reasons other than to provide energy, we are in danger of overeating. When you overeat and take in too much food, you will put on weight. When you carry too much weight, the human body starts to break down, the cardiovascular system has to work harder to service the body, the skeletal system is pushed to the limits, and your overall wellness suffers.  Human beings literally wear their decisions about what food they put in their mouth.

There are thousands of diets that people try to sell you, and I am not wise enough to tell you this or that it is the greatest way to lose weight and be healthy. If you are mindful of what you eat, why you are eating, and how much you eat, most diets will provide positive results.  Finding the right mix for yourself will lead to a lifestyle change around food which will be long-lasting. That is the healthy change you are looking for.  What will work for you may not be something that works for everyone.

Make choices today which will benefit your health and allow you to live a life as your best self. Be conscious of your health in thoughts, words, and actions.  Get started on an exercise program and be mindful of how you eat.  The life you improve will be your own.

To enjoy good health, bring true happiness to one’s family, and bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind, he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.  ~ Buddha