Tag Archives: focus on the step

The Why

We should all strive to have a purpose that gives our lives fuel. Days are spent either just existing or existing for a larger purpose. The goal can be to create a family, a business, a book, a political movement, a career, or any other thing that allows you to exist for a reason outside of just being you. You can constantly develop a purpose only by becoming interested in doing something and doing it.  Too often, we get wrapped up in ourselves and mere existence that the reason for this life escapes us.  But there is always a purpose. When the focus of life is selfish or achieving something outside of ourselves, we tend to sink into unhappiness, frustration, and anger. It is always better to change our view of things outside of ourselves.

What Is an Outer Purpose?

An outer purpose is going to happen outside of yourself, to create something in the future that isn’t here today.  Setting goals is a valuable tool that will fuel your actions and push you to reach all of your destinations.  Make your purpose the journey, not the destination.  Too often, people look at their goals and use them as the be-all and end-all; they miss all of the valuable stuff we gather along the path. So there is no daily joy in following your purpose.  If your goal is to make a million dollars, there will be many decisions, actions, thoughts, and experiences to make.  Enjoy these as if they are your goal achieved because they will be.

Too many times, the destination becomes more important than the journey, and at that point, you are lost, and you miss out on the journey’s purpose.  You are mainly focusing on the things outside of your reality and yourself—looking for the future goal and missing out on the powerful, intelligent, beautiful things that come along the way.  We can live our whole lives this way if we aren’t careful. As children, we wait for school to end, then we will get a job, later a career, then a family, then retirement, and then death. We are waiting in each stage for the next step to bring us accomplishment and fulfillment, never feeling either of these two things because our purpose is aimed outside of ourselves. Aim your target inside.

What is Inside Purpose?

Well, it has nothing to do with where you are going. It has to do with the journey to get there. Like riding in a car, if you are not happy until you reach your destination, you miss out on the great things the ride offers. The view, music you listen to, or company you have as you ride.  How you get where you are going is vital to the development of your purpose.  We all have a consciousness, and some are more aware than others. But we choose how awake we are to our mission in our world. At this moment, it is the only thing you have for sure. To not make the best of it is foolishness.  So look at the step in your journey you are at right now and be conscious of the power it has.  You can choose to be frustrated and cynical or to learn whatever the moment has to give you. That is your purpose.

To live in the awareness of the present moment is not easy but will deepen your consciousness and provide a more fulfilled life experience. Letting the outside negativity of worry, fear, and want to dictate your behavior will lead to a life of complaining, anger, frustration, and lack. The outer journey of life may take a million steps to get where you want to go. The inner journey has only one, the level you are on right now. To see this is a purpose, and to embrace this step is the purpose. Look at your day and what you are learning or teaching. It could be specific information, or it could be an example you or somebody else is setting.

Establish all Your Purpose

Get out there and establish goals and start to follow your purpose. The external users will begin to guide you in the right direction. The fundamental meaning of enjoying each step of the way allows you to get what you need out of the everyday experience of having a purpose.  A life without ambition is a life that has no direction and is difficult to value. Look at your life and identify the things you want to be a purpose. It could be experiencing what you wish to have, building a family, a personal accomplishment, and establishing some legacy from your life.  Get a purpose and pursue it and always remember to enjoy the ride.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost anyhow.”

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”

One of my favorite videos and songs. This guy had a purpose and made this happen. We should all drive our goals to reality.