Tag Archives: finding the best path


We all have desires and things we want in our lives. But if you focus too much on that one thing, life can slip away from you. It is always healthy to maintain some detachment to the idea you desire.  The biggest problem with having something good is that it comes with a similar fear of losing that thing. The protection from this fear is a measure of detachment or the state of being objective. This objectivity is a difficult skill because when you have a desire, it is difficult to maintain any objectivity and the corresponding emotions, leading to a negative, fear-driven mindset.  Detachment allows you to keep positive energy as you achieve your goals.

Law of Detachment- Letting go of your desire or releasing. 

Detachment from Your Expectations

In life, there are events we look forward to experiencing.  Any milestone or accomplishment brings anticipation, and naturally, expectations will arise in your mind.  This is the place where detachment needs to come into play. When you start to place expectations on the result of something, it is in danger of not being successful.  Once hope comes to you, the mind creates negative worry scenarios about how it might not happen the way you wish. This negative energy will make success and enjoyment difficult.

One of the greatest lessons of playing organized sports is learning to let the result be and take joy and care in doing what you need to do to reach your accomplishments.  This pleasure is accomplished by detaching yourself from the outcome and attaching yourself to doing what you are responsible for in getting there. The results will be what they are, and they will provide something exceptional.  A goal will be achieved, or there will be an opportunity to reassess and try again.  If you don’t practice detachment, one setback can destroy your enthusiasm and confidence.  The results do not define your value, and your actions on the way determine your worth.

Detachment and Charged Thoughts

Think for a moment about something you want to happen in your life.  It could be a new job, a relationship, or anything else.  You will have an initial charge of positivity followed by a litany of worry and fear.  This parade of negative thoughts can derail your efforts before they even get off the ground. It is beneficial for you to maintain a positive perspective, even if others in your life don’t—positive thoughts inside lead to positive results on the outside.

It is up to you to detach from the natural thought to dream up the worst-case scenario of whatever you are involved in in your life.  This detachment is a way of bracing yourself for all outcomes, and anything result will most likely not be a disappointment.  But disappointment can only come from expectations unfulfilled. Don’t create negative images in your mind; negative thoughts inside lead to negative results. Think differently than you have and maintain your individuality of view from those around you.

Letting Go and Letting things Happen

Letting things go is very hard for people to do. It is human nature to attempt to control things from the beginning to the end. But life will teach you that it just isn’t possible or healthy to do.  When you give up your need to control events or other people, you will only be responsible for yourself and what you do.  Too often, we are spending so much effort to attempt to control events in our lives and other people in our lives that we lose focus on the fact, all we manage is ourselves.

Allow things to happen as they should.  We all want great things to happen in our lives, relationships, money, or whatever we desire. But you can’t force things to happen.  All items come with steps of experience that bring them into reality. Building a business or a relationship all come with growing events along the way.  Enjoy these events, learn from them, and allow them to grow into what they bring to your life in growth and understanding.  Many a bad relationship was created by forcing it to perform as expected.  Let go and let things develop as they should.

Detach and Let Things Flow

Control is and always will be an illusion to humankind.  We have little control over the grand scheme of life, and we can only control how we react to events and people. That is it.  We build attachments to things in our minds and find it hard not to build up imaginary scenarios of what it will feel like and how life will change as we accomplish something.  It is better to know what you want and be willing to flow in whatever direction works best. Often the best route to our goals moves in a guide we would never have envisioned.  Take that route.

The other form of control that people often rely on is the control of other people. Usually, loved ones that we want to protect from hard times or difficulties.  However, this is an illusion too. All people have free will to choose what they want. Any control that you experience with another comes only from their consent. If you think you are in charge, you will be in for an awakening.  Detach from that and allow people to follow their path, learn their lessons, and become the best they can be.

In the end, failure to practice detachment from your ego and its limited beliefs grows out of a fear of change and how it might adversely affect you.  Let the fear go and allow for things to happen as they will. This isn’t easy to do, but letting go of your conditioning from the past will enable you to accept unlimited answers and experiences.

“Detachment is not that you should own nothing. But that nothing should own you.” -Ali ibn abi Talib

“He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing, detachment.” -Meister Eckhart

“The root of suffering is attachment.“- Buddha

“Detachment doesn’t mean I’m trying less hard. It just means that fears and emotions that used to torment and paralyze me longer have the same power over me.” -Kelly Cutrone