Tag Archives: find joy in sharing accomplishments


Celebrate- acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.

Being conscious of how we celebrate can be a fun activity and bring a deeper connection to those you care about and, even more, an essential link to yourself. There are moments in life that command a celebration, and each of these can serve as a marking point of life. It is the shared honoring of things that build relationships, show caring, and creates memories. Be conscious today and every day of your thoughts, words, and actions of what you should celebrate today.

Little Moments

As life goes on, we get into routines. They have a purpose and allow for people to get things done quickly and as efficiently as possible. But they can stop you from noticing some great opportunities happening around you. Look for the small things that you can celebrate with someone else in life. A relationship should be full of these moments. Surviving a tough week and achieving a goal at work, starting something new, creating something you wanted to do, and following through on something. Whatever you see in your relationships that could cause you to celebrate should.

Think of how a celebration for any small thing can bring two people together, or even a larger group of people. To celebrate in this way communicates that you see the unique contribution a person gets to your life. They matter, and knowing them makes life a celebration. Make the time to celebrate the small stuff.

The Big Stuff Too

Everyone has moments in their lives, which are rites of passage or celebratewatershed accomplishments. These moments are definitely worth the celebration: graduations, the birth of children, marriage, achievement of any long-term goal. Sometimes, even a birthday. You need to celebrate all of the things that are essential to you and your circle of influence. This celebratory action is necessary because those we care about are moving to another level of life in each accomplishment and moment. In their victory, they carry you with them. You can share your pride, your caring expressed, and all the people involved in the celebration will benefit.

Each celebration will be remembered for what it is. A time of unity and rejoicing should be welcome in life. These are the moments that build families and all relationships. If you are too busy to celebrate the accomplishments of those you care about, then it is time to change your priorities.

Look today for the moments and things big and small that you can celebrate with someone else. The celebration can be small or large; it depends on the moment and what you are comfortable experiencing. But look to honor those that matter in your life. It will build your relationships and memories that last a lifetime. Life is a momentary proposition; never miss a chance to show that you care about someone. If you don’t feel like celebrating with the people you are with, you need new people. Celebrate this experience called life; it only happens once.

“The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don’t celebrate those, they can pass you by.” ~ Alek Wek

Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.” Amit Ray

Celebration happens when the mind unites with the spirit. “Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Celebration is my attitude, unconditional to what life brings.” Rajneesh