Tag Archives: encourage those who need support


“Encourage” – give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).

In the human experience, at some point, we all feel a lack of confidence or a bit hopeless about the way life is going. At these moments, encouragement from another can make all the difference in not only the direction one’s life takes but, more importantly, how someone feels about that direction. To encourage is the conscious thought I am writing today, to move at least one person to practice supporting another in thought, word, and action.

Encourage Those Struggling

In your life, there will be people in need of encouragement. It encouragedoesn’t have to be a grand gesture or a tricky thing. Just look for a place where you can make someone feel better about their situation and keep moving forward with a little bit of hope for the future. As human beings, we all can encourage someone when they are down, and many people do this naturally. Unfortunately, there is a sense of isolation in our society, which can be hard to break through. Be there. Make a call. Tell a joke—Cook a meal. Don’t Criticize or judge. Show someone how valuable they are to you. Recognize and point out a person’s value. If you don’t like the situation you are in, there are three choices, change it, leave it, or accept it.

Give support, courage, or hope to someone. 

Encourage The Next Level

Encouragement also can be vital for people who are close to achieving their dream but are not quite there yet. All someone needs is a person who sees Encouragethe value in the goal and a little positive push to keep it ongoing. Your encouragement can provide the persistence that leads to someone’s ultimate success. Too often, people knock a person’s goal because they don’t see its value. It tells someone to quit on a dream because it is unrealistic or a waste of time. Who are you to judge that?

Nothing new or game-changing will be created by staying inside the confines of a box and not taking any chances. Even if the current endeavor doesn’t work out for the person, you will gain valuable experience, and new efforts can come from that. Encourage people to be the best version of themselves, not the best version you can see. Provide support, hope, and courage to move forward and achieve whatever dream or goal they are currently pursuing. Your thoughts, words, and actions could be the difference in allowing someone to reach their greatness.

Pay Attention to Yourself

The person we often encourage least is ourselves. We allow negative messages to be ingrained in our subconscious, and they are always there to discourage us from being our best selves. The way we talk to, think about, and act toward ourselves is essential to the quality of life. Society and our personal experience created an expectation of where we fit. Listen to how you talk to yourself. If it is harmful and unsupportive, stop doing it.

It is the only life you are going to have, don’t waste it being negative about yourself. That doesn’t mean just hopelessly accepting things the way they are, but to understand that who you are is not your physical body, your job, or your relationships. These are things that can be changed, molded, and improved.

If you need to lose some weight or be healthier, make a plan and follow it. If you are not where you want to be financial, change your situation. Change is constant and inevitable, and you can decide many of the changes you experience in your life. Give yourself support in improving yourself to develop confidence in your abilities and build hope for a better future.

Think about how to encourage someone today in thought, word, and action.

“Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.” – Anne Frank.

“Everything you need to accomplish your goals is already in you.”

“Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.”

“Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can!”