Tag Archives: compassion for strangers



concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

In a fast-paced world, it is easy to develop tunnel vision and focus only on the things which affect you and your life. It is easy not to have the suffering of others enter into your consciousness.  There is simply no room for it.  But that does not mean the pain isn’t happening all around you. It also doesn’t stop you from helping alleviate that suffering in some small way.  The compassion you show is one small way to improve the world. It is always your choice if you do this or not, but today I challenge you to open your mind to having compassion for those around you and the suffering they are enduring.  It starts with a higher awareness of what is going on all around you. It all begins with a thought noticing pain, followed by an emotion, words that result, and actions because of that thought.  Amore compassionate world is the result.

Compassion for Strangers

Sometimes the most relaxed group of people to be compassionate toward are total strangers.  All we have to do is raise awareness of their situation and their emotional station at the moment. How often do you turn your mind away from this? Secretly tell yourself that it is not your problem.  But it is your problem.  We are all connected, and to let anyone suffer without at least a conscious thought is a significant problem in the world.  Our lives are a total of the choices we have made.  All options are on the table when we start this game. Some have better influences and resources than others, but who is to say what you might have done if you were in different circumstances.

I have heard it described as each person you meet is just another version of yourself.  That feels true to me. If I faced different circumstances, which is to say what choices I might have made?  You could be enduring the same suffering as people you see today.  Tomorrow it may be you who could use someone else’s compassion. Look at strangers as if they are just another version of yourself, and understanding is natural.  In that simple act of awareness, consciousness grows, and the world is a friendlier, kinder, and more hospitable place.

Compassion for Those You Know

All people have a circle of people that have influenced or been influenced by our lives. Like a rock landing in still water, the ripples emanating out from our source of us. These folks are the most open group to have compassion for because there are already feelings of fondness or caring for most. Or at least you know the person and a bit of their history.  Compassion should be second nature. It takes little to speak encouragement, sends a note, or give a hug in a moment. Yet most often, we move on and keep to ourselves.  Why? To avoid embarrassment?  Alleviate suffering when you can.

When you see someone you know in pain, do something for them. Anything so that you will not waste loving energy in the grand scheme of things.  What do we stand for in this human experience if we are not there for those we care about?  Focus on your circle of influence and be conscious of how you can let your compassion dictate behavior.  The action required is most often effortless. It could be as simple as a thought of well wishes and understanding. Caring and concern are the staples of compassion, and we all can give these things. Give them to those you know who need some compassion.

Compassion for Yourself

Nobody knows your flaws better than you. The times you are not operating up to your potential, we know.  The times we are not honest, we know. The selfishness we feel that no one else can see, we know.  Nobody is harder on us than we are. But this is the relationship that needs your compassion most. It doesn’t excuse any of the flaws mentioned before, but it shows an understanding and caring for others.  Learn to be conscious of your thoughts and actions and why you do these things. Understanding this will help you make different choices in the future. You can always change and improve yourself and become better.

It is uncomfortable for us to send love and compassion to ourselves and get away from the shame and blame that we usually send our way.  Notice behavior patterns in yourself that you want to change and understand why things are that way. Start to alleviate your suffering. Don’t spend your time assigning blame to yourself for past mistakes, and certainly don’t carry any shame for them.  Look at yourself at this moment with soft eyes and know you did the best you could.

Negative behaviors are a result of patterns created by our beliefs.  Shining a light on them will allow you to see them for what they are and will enable you to transform them into a pattern of behavior that is more positive. Learn to speak to yourself as you talk to your best friend. Honestly, and with compassion.

Compassion Rules the Day

Let your compassion rule your day.  Recognize thoughts, words, and actions from negative patterns and harm others or yourself.  Put yourself in the shoes of who you see and understand their suffering and perhaps a way that you can lessen their load.  Whatever you can do, please do it.  Be as kind and giving as your heart allows. The world will be a better place because of it. You can start it all by being more aware of the people’s suffering all around you.  That awareness will come as a thought, leading to emotions, words,  and actions. Let those actions contain the seeds of compassion and allow them to make the world a better place.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”- Maya Angelou.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”- Dalai Lama.

“The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others.”- Albert Schweitzer.