Tag Archives: be grateful for what you have


Messages come to you all the time, from the world.  Most of them reach us through the media, and most of these messages are manipulations that disguise themselves as news.  Do negative things happen? Of course, they do. Tragedies occur every day, and that is a terrible thing.  One message we never seem to get is………..this is a beautiful world, forget what the world has told you, there are many incredible things out there, great and small that exist in the world.  They defy the reality that conditioned what we see and believe.  The only way to find them is to start looking for them, and it won’t take a journey to a distant place to start seeing them. It takes a day of conscious awareness in your own life.

See the Good Things

Start your day by looking for and noticing all of the good things that exist in your life.  Too many people spend all of their time focusing on what they don’t have that they have no appreciation for the things they do have.  Start with the physical stuff. Can you hear beautiful music, taste delicious food, see all of the colors on display every day, touch something smooth or rough or go for a walk because you can?  If you can do all of these things, be grateful.

Then move on to the people in your life. If they care about you, then that is an incredible thing.  All of the people that contribute to your life in all ways are making your reality a better place. Even those who are not so great provide examples of how not to act in life. Be grateful for the lessons they offer you.  Do you have transportation, a job, a purpose in life?  If you have all of these things, then give thanks.

How you Treat Others

How we choose to treat others is an opportunity to make the world a better place and a better experience.  Nobody can dictate how you decide to speak to another or the actions you take toward another person.  Prejudice and judgment are endless thought choices we can follow.  Look at all situations and realize that even the worst criminal is a person underneath.  That doesn’t mean we ignore the negative people do. All people are responsible for their actions. Period.

But that doesn’t mean you hate them. Hate what someone did, but understand that we are pretty much the same with different programming from our experiences underneath it all.  I heard it stated all other people in the world are just another version of you, under different circumstances. It is difficult to condemn yourself. Your thoughts and actions decide what type of world you live in today.  And it can be positive or negative as you want to make it.  Some may treat you poorly, but that is their karma. How you react to it is your karma. Be a powerful positive force in the world.

Don’t Let Good Things Slip.

Look back at the past year. What decisions have you made that were, at least for now, okay? How about the ones you wish you didn’t make? There are probably some of both. Each situation that happens to you can be favorable. How? Because you don’t know where one action will take you in a day, a month, a year, or ten years. Something like losing a job is viewed as a negative. But what if it puts you on a path to find your true calling that never would have happened if you stayed where you were? At the moment it is happening, it is negative, later a blessing. Look at things as a blessing as they are happening.

This mindset can be tough to practice, and I have struggled mightily with it.  An unavoidable accident totals your car, and you have to go through the stress of figuring out what to do next. One thing leads to another, and eventually, the problem resolves if you accept where you are and take responsibility for it. The right actions present themselves. Count the good things. If you are not hurt, you have a chance to move forward with life. There is an opportunity to pursue your dreams. Where you are now is not where you will be in a year, five years, ten years, all things will change. Don’t let the good things slip by because of fear of the negative. Life is a constant balance between positive and negative.

The world provides an incredible experience for all of us to potentially enjoy. The frame of mind with which we face all the good and the bad things we face daily.  We have the opportunity to create the energy the world gets from us.  Positive or negative, it will come from our thoughts about our human experience.

“Positive energy knows no boundaries. If everyone were to spread positive energy on the Internet, the world would be a much better place.”- Lu Wei.

“Instead of hating, I have chosen to forgive and spend all of my positive energy on changing the world.”-Camryn Manheim.

“Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.”- Lou Holtz.