Shooting for the Moon

goal settingHow many times have you allowed the opinions of others to limit your potential?

When I think of the beautiful people I meet each day, I find myself amazed by the potential success in all people they can’t see in themselves. It is like looking at Michael Jordan, who doesn’t realize that he is a great basketball player.  Greatness exists within everyone in one form or another, and learning to listen to your heart and following your interests is all it takes to start to see this.

Set Your Goal

goal settingIt all begins by knowing what you want out of life. That may sound like it should be common knowledge for each of us. I know that I have been in a position where I could do anything I wanted, and I had no idea what I wanted to do.

I have talked to many others who have had the same experience. Set your goals and start to dream about your dream. Imagine what it will look like and feel like when that goal has been achieved and is a part of reality.

Action will Take YOU There.

It is then up to you to take responsibility for your dream and take makethingshappenaction. Actions are the keys to achievement, and until you choose to take action, nothing will happen. You may be talented in some area of life, but if you never do anything, that talent and greatness will atrophy and die away.

Developing an action plan and taking those steps will allow you to defeat and eliminate fear from your life. There is no time for concern when you act, and the fearful thoughts will fall away as you succeed or fail. At least you will know. Take action in all phases of your life, and see what comes to you.

Shoot For That Star

There shouldn’t be any limits on your dream. Dream the vision in your way. Want to sing on Broadway? Dream it and shoot for it. If you have a terrible voice that will come out, you may need to take some extreme action to get this done, but who can tell you that you can’t do it? Give it a shot, and maybe setting goals and taking action will put you on a different path, where possibilities exist.

Shoot for the moon, and you won’t limit yourself. If you want to be rich, set a goal for it. If you’re going to fall in love, set a dream, and take action. If you want to be healthier, make a plan, take action, and see what happens. Anything is possible for you.


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