My Rules

Ten-Rules-Of-Life1The following writing contains my current Rules For Life, over the years I have tried to write down guidelines that I have found helpful in finding a balance in life and hopefully becoming a productive, happy person. They are not absolute, but I find that when I focus on them each day, it is easy to identify the good that is happening.

If you don’t Stand For Something, You Will Fall For Anything

Rules for Life #1

Be On-Time – It doesn’t take intelligence or skill or talent to be where you say you’re going to be when you say you’re going to be there. Anyone can do it, and if something is important to you, you will be on time for it. Be on time for the people in your life. Be where you say you will be when you say you are going to be there. You never know when something will end, enjoy as much of it as you can.

Rules for Life #2

Be Honest-How much is your integrity worth? What can you gain by being dishonest that you can truly enjoy? It was pointed out to me once that most people lie at least once a day. Often these are lies of the small and “white” variety, but they are still untruths and still bring with them all of the negativity that dishonesty brings with it. Say what you mean and let the world know what you feel, and you will be free to live life with a clear conscience. If you are honest, the world will tell you the truth.

Rules For Life #3

Treat Others As They Want To Be Treated – Platinum Rule. Treat people as they find desirable. A person may have a very different opinion of personal space, sense of humor, etc. Allow all people to be themselves and find acceptance in your presence. All people have a value of some sort, even if you have to look hard sometimes to find it. Allow them to be themselves and accept them as such. That goes for taking yourself as well. Don’t let your thoughts about how things “should be” stop you from being happy about how it is.

Rules for Life #4

Never Let What Others Think, Stop You from Doing Anything. If you are outside of your comfort zone, you are probably growing. And growth is preferable to the alternative. The thoughts of other people are none of your business, and only you can choose what is right for you. Focus on what you think and do what will make you happy and enhance your life. If others don’t like it, too bad for them, move away from them, and be satisfied. Your thoughts about your life can be fulfilling and enjoyable or the opposite. Don’t let someone else make this decision for you.

Rules for Life #5

Enjoy The “Little Things” In life Every day- at least once a day, you have to enjoy something wholly and ultimately, a meal, a conversation, holding a hand, the beauty around you. There is excellence in every day, and all you have to do is focus on seeing it and allow it to expand. Whether you choose to do this or not is up to you, and how much you enjoy life will be reflected. See a sunrise, look at the stars, embrace the world, and experience it in all its many mini joys. You never know when they or you will be gone.

Rules for Life #6

Always Strive for Balance In Life between Work, Play, Love, Spiritual, Mental, and Physical. Too much of anything is not suitable for your development as a human being. Understanding that there will be moments when one aspect is more dominant than others strive to increase your balance. Become a bit better each day in all ways. Think about your life, be lighthearted, tell those who matter to you that they do. Read a book of substance. Exercise. All in balance will enhance your experience and make you better.

Rules for Life #7

Accept People The Way They Are. Most times, they are doing the best that they can. Nobody came into this life to be just what you need. They are fighting their own battles every day, just as you are. Respect that and the individuality of others and accept that people have different views than you. To do otherwise is leading a narrow life. Embrace all people, just because they are different doesn’t mean they are wrong. Just because you are different doesn’t mean you are wrong either. 

Rules for Life #8

Avoid Gossip. It is the food of small minds. If you aren’t speaking to someone, don’t talk negatively about them. Ask yourself if what you are saying is helpful, sincere, kind, or necessary. If it isn’t, then don’t say it. Your words have power, and how you choose to use them contributes to your energy and what you attract in life.

Rules for Life #9

Hate No one– it’s a waste of time and only weakens your character. If you send out hate, you will receive hate back. If you send out thoughts of love, you will receive love back. All people are doing the best they can with what they have. Choosing to hate someone else for their weaknesses and actions is, in effect, choosing to hate yourself, we all have challenges. Some deal with it better than others, but we are all learning on our way. Leave hate behind and try a little understanding and forgiveness. The person who will benefit most is you.

Rules for Life #10

Don’t Dwell On The Past, Move Forward. Carry the lessons of the past, but never dwell too long on the things you lost or found in the past, or you will miss the opportunities today is providing. The only moment that matters is now. Each of us is guaranteed only this moment that we are in, it can change in an instant, and your life will become something different. There are two thieves of your enjoyment of today, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. They both take you out of the reality that is right now. Moving forward can be hard sometimes because you feel the best parts of yourself might be left behind. That is the choice of your thoughts. Great things are always ahead if you look for them.

Rules for Life #11

*** Never Take anything anyone else does personally. If you do, you will find it impossible to function appropriately in the world. Each person is going through their own life, and that affects how they behave toward you. It has everything to do with them and little to do with you. All people are in their drama, and that view clouds their actions. Your view of things and theirs are never the same. Understand this and worry about your reactions and thoughts and make sure that they are accurate to the person that you want to represent in life.

Rules for Life #12

Be Thankful for what you do have. You always have at least one thing to show gratitude. Being grateful is the key to connecting with the positive forces in the universe. Take the time to make a shortlist each morning of the things you feel gratitude for and carry them with you throughout the day. Gratitude opens the doorway to a much more abundant life. All you have to do is begin.

Rules for Life #13

Avoid The Wrong Kind Of People- In my experience, there are only two kinds of people, those who make you better and those that make you worse. If the interactions with an individual result in doing things that are ultimately harmful to you or make you unhappy, then find other people to spend time. If your interactions with a person result in you doing things that are ultimately good for you and make you happy, then seek them out. No man is your friend. No man is your enemy. All men are your teachers. What kind of person are you?

Rules for Life #14

Look For The Positive In Any Situation. Often even the worse events in one’s life can lead to unforeseen good fortune that would never have happened if not for that unfortunate event. It is painful at times to see this, and often, many people would rather avoid the painful experiences in life. Still, these things are going to happen in life, and the challenges they present, allow you to define your life and make a choice about who you are and what you represent.

I hope your rules for life are bringing you happiness and contentment in all you do. It was about 2011 or 12. I first wrote these down, and as I have changed and grown, so have they. There have been many times in the last four months I felt I had little to be happy about, but found my writings and rules are more than just words. They saved me. My standards have saved me.

Create favorable rules for life and live a happy and quality filled life.

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