Gratitude List

There are times in a day, a week, month, or a year where thoughts get stuck in our heads negatively. These thoughts may come from worrying about what will happen in the future or because of some regret from your past. You get caught dwelling on something someone said to you or did to you that was not positive. These types of thoughts weigh you down and hold you in a mental state of anger, frustration, or fear. The more you think about it, the more you are stuck.  It is not easy to get unstuck and get your mental state back to a more positive place, but it certainly can happen. Here are a couple of things to help you find a better spiritual place.  Being mad or depressed is not going to do you or your health any good.

Gratitude List

One of the most effective ways to improve your frame of mind is to create and think about a list of things I am grateful for in my life. All people have something that they are thankful for.  It could contain the people who love you, the things you get to enjoy, the places you have been, things in your life that provide pleasure, the physical ability to exercise. Or whatever words resonate with you in your heart and make you feel authentically good about your experience.

Take some time and think about what you can put on your list. Feel the good feelings they bring to you. The mind is only able to entertain one thought at a time. If that thought is negative, then your opinions, words, and actions will be harmful as well. But if you can put your consciousness on positive things, then your corresponding emotions, terms, and activities will be positive too.  It is not an instant fix because you have to change your focus, but the list will undoubtedly lead you in that direction as you consider one item of gratitude at a time.  Try it. What do you have to lose but a bad mood and negativity?

Listen or Read Something Positive

One of my favorite go-to, “mood changers,” is reading or listening to something positive that gets me out of the negative thought I am stuck ruminating in my mind.  When I am in a difficult place, finding something on the positive side will get the momentum of my thoughts moving in a positive direction. It works the same as a gratitude list, and it forces you to change your thoughts, which will lead to a more favorable moment. Here is a quick list I suggest you give a listen to.

How to Stop the Voice- Eckart Tolle 

Gary Zukov with Oprah Winfrey

Thich Nhat Hanh

Whatever factor is bothering you, and there is a positive talk out there somewhere that will bring your thoughts back into the significant and positive space that brings positive contributions to the world.

It is essential to develop a conscious awareness of our positive and negative feelings so that we have a chance of not being a victim of our emotions.  If you are not aware of them, they will seem to pop out of nowhere, and you don’t know what caused them or what can ease the fear, anxiety, and worry.

“Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.”  –Robert H. Schuller

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” –Edith Wharton.


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