Being Persistent

Daily Positive Thought Project:  Practice Persistence!

We all have things we would like to accomplish in life. We set goals and we develop dreams about achieving this or that.  We make plans and then set out to make those dreams come true and those goals to be realized.  Then on the way to achievement,

Nothing can beat it

fame and fortune we hit a snag.  Failure happens. Setbacks happen. The once placid river is now a mass of white water and we think, “Maybe I should turn back?”

It is in these moments that you have to find your power of persistence.  Keep moving forward regardless of the obstacles or challenges you are facing. That is persistence.  To find the courage to keep moving forward despite the problems you face.

That is how skills long dormant inside us are brought to their greatness. Like a knife is sharpened on a stone so are your skills sharpened by persistence.

Follow your dreams and goals and don’t give up. Be persistent in your efforts and you will have a chance to achieve that success you are looking for.

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