Tomatoes Suck

Jon Hilton Doesn't Like Tomatoes
Tomatoes Suck!

As far back as I can remember I have really not liked tomatoes.  I just think it tastes bad and particularly the texture isn’t something I have ever liked.  No tomato in my sandwich I will have a BL with no T thank you very much.  But here is the problem.  I really like many tomato products, ketchup, tomato sauce, tomato paste, I can even eat tomatoes if they have been cooked.  But fresh tomatoes out of the garden, no thank you, you can keep them.

I think the fact,  that growing up, the only good thing that I can think of about tomatoes is that they made really good ammunition when it came to playing games outside which required the trowing of something at someone else.  We often played these games because…………we weren’t all that smart.  We used crab apples and sometimes even rocks, (like I said, not very bright), but tomatoes were the best object for these games.  I remember one particular time getting pelted with them and being covered in a slick reddish goo, and thinking “Wow, this sucks, and so do tomatoes.”  And I feel that way to this very day!

So there it is. If you are going to get me a sandwich, or order me a salad, please…………………………… be a friend-o and leave out the tomato!


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