Tag Archives: people I worked with

What a Year

I learned people from Croatia are not good at hide and go seek
I learned people from Croatia are not good at hide and go seek

This is the end of the Super Gratitude Project on my website, it has been 31 days of nonstop gratitude.  I have looked for things to be grateful about and fortunately it hasn’t been all that hard.  For the final day I decided to express my gratitude for the entire year and all of the people I met. They changed my life!

Not the experience I expected

I learned people from Ireland drink and swear a lot!
I learned people from Ireland drink and swear a lot!

If you had told me a year ago that much of the following year would be spent helping to organize and promote a summer camp, I would have thought you were on drugs or crazy or both.  Yet here I am after a summer of learning at the Maine Golf and Tennis Academy.  Here is what I am grateful for in this experience.

First for the wide range of experiences I was able to have, from hiring people and crafting a staff I hoped would be great, to seeing that staff come into existence and watching them grow, struggle and ultimately succeed by any form of measurement.  There were also other organizational tasks I did not like.  There was a required meeting every morning at 7:15.  I am grateful I will never have to attend one again.   But overall the experience in helping to run the camp was a great learning experience.

I learned people from England, don't work well with rodents of any sort.
I learned people from England, don’t work well with rodents of any sort.

The most important thing I am grateful for though, it all of the great people that have entered my life this year.  I have become friends with people from England, Australia, Ireland, and even Hungary.  It was a true blessing to work with and build relationships with such great people.  Each has contributed to my understanding of life and other people and for that I am truly grateful.  Even though they are all gone home now, back to work, college and their “normal” lives, I think of them often.  I think many would be surprised of the impact they had on me, even if they were there for a short time.


Future is so Bright

I also met the next Tiger Woods. His name is Alejandro and this image is going to be something ten years from now!
I also met the next Tiger Woods. His name is Alejandro and this image is going to be something ten years from now!

I have to be grateful for this year because of what it has given me for the future.  I have developed an almost wanderlust to travel to different places in the country and across the world.  One of my friends at camp told me that I should, move to Germany and live there for a year.  Even though I don’t think I am ready for that yet, I now see it as an actual possibility in my life.  I owe this new vision of what life can be to all of the people I met this year.  I can only hope that the next year is filled with as many interesting characters.

I am truly blessed with friendship and experience and am grateful for it.

  • Family Fun Camp
  • I Remember You MGTA
  • Junior Campers at MGTA
  • Tennis Camp at MGTA
  • A Special Way at MGTA
  • There is No I in TEAM at MGTA