Tag Archives: kind words

Magic Words

Word- something that someone says or writes, a remark or piece of information.

wordOne of the three things I think you have to focus on to raise your level of consciousness is the words you use every day. Word use is essential to your actions and the feelings, thoughts, and steps you create in others and yourself. How you speak can make someone more confident and empowered, or it can quickly destroy someone’s confidence and abilities.

The choice of your words can also dictate the life you grow, either positive or negative. Today I am putting your focus on each word you use today. Is it helpful? Is it harmful? What exactly is the purpose of this thought? It all begins with looking at your thoughts,  which lead to your words, leading to feelings and actions in your life.   Most importantly, let’s look at the words you use every day.

The Words are Magic

Just for a day, focus on the words you use. Why do you say things the way that you do? There is a reason you speak to someone the way you do. Is there a trust or a distrust of this person?   Words are how we either clearly or not so clearly let the world understand our thoughts. That wordcan be a scary proposition for some people. Comments can be helpful, but they can be extremely harmful as well. A relationship can be destroyed, trust can be ruined, or someone can be saved through the words we use. Trust can be built when our terms are backed up with decisive action.

The point of focusing on your words is to make sure that you are the force in the world you intend to be. A person has an equal ability to be a positive force in the lives of others or to harm them with negativity. This choice all happens through the use of their words. Be complimentary, supportive, and kind in your terms, and their influence will propel people forward to being their best. But most importantly, your words will drive you toward being your best. Focus on your words and the thoughts and feelings behind them. Are they planting the seeds you want to see grow in the future?

Avoid the Negative

Our words can cause people pain. There are countless examples in every life on Earth of this being the case. Gossip is one way this happens, which is the mindless chatter of small minds. It can be hard to stop yourself from participating in gossip. This practice is foolish talk about others which most often are not based on fact. Even if it is true, it doesn’t do you any positive good to do this.

Words can be loving or feel like a punch in the face.

Words are used by all people with the capacity for speech, and there is little to no conscious thought associated with their use. We speak to express ourselves to others and rarely contemplate the message we are sending. There is power in your words, which exists in all verbal communication. Pay attention to the power of your words. These words can change our lives and the lives of those we take the time to speak with daily. What you choose to talk about grows. 

Our Thoughts Expressed

What is a word but a way to express your thoughts to the Universe? All words have power. Positive words can nurture a relationship, create peace, build a community, inspire great action, or create justice. Words of love, prosperity, and gratitude will bring those things into your life. Conversely, if your words are spent on gossip, hate, judgment, or jealousy, they will bring those things into your life. When you plant these positive words day to day, then the crop you reap will be a pretty positive one.

And so are you!
And so are you!

This is simple enough to test. Be aware of the words you are using and focus on really speaking words of love, prosperity, and gratitude for a week and see what grows from it. If that is too daunting a task, do it for just a day. The trick will be to stop yourself from speaking words on the negative side and sticking to the positive. I am always surprised by how tempting it is to say the words that don’t help anything or anybody, the gossip that provides a connection—the “harmless”  joke at someone else’s expense. Watch your words and see what happens. If you can, you will see a positive difference in your life. Those who continually gossip and judge others will bring negativity into your life, and it will become apparent when this is happening.

What you seek, you will find

This works so well because once you start to seek positive words and situations that be carefurequire positive comments, you become more aware of these situations in all areas of your life. When you deal with all people, tell them what they do well, explain why they are valued, and how your experience is better because of them in your life.

When you are looking for things to express positive feelings about, you can’t help but find items worthy of your positive thoughts and words. More than likely, these things have been there all along, unnoticed. But it is a conscious choice to look for them that reveals them to you and allows you to use your words to speak of them. It isn’t easy to make things happen if you don’t speak. 

Use your words to allow for the growth of love, kindness, peace, acceptance, and understanding in the world and your life. It takes just a little effort to have the consciousness of your words expressing the positive expressions of your thoughts. It all begins with paying attention to those thoughts, the resulting feelings, the words that follow, and your actions because of the great good you can accomplish with them.

“Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you may stick with someone else for a lifetime.” -Rachel Wolchin

“Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you.” –Kushand Wizdom

“One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” -Unknown


Focus on Being Kind

You are that one

Kindness-The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

People face many challenges every day. There are expectations for performance from ourselves, our bosses, or teachers that make each moment seem not enough. Today, even in those times of complete business, let your focus shift from what you have to do to the small acts of kindness you can be responsible for today. It begins by paying attention to the focus of your thoughts as you look at others in the world today. Focus on being kind. It will correspond with emotions, words, and actions that spread your kindness to others. It begins with your thoughts.

Make Kindness Your Focus

Kindness costs nothing and makes everything in the world better. That is a fact that is indisputable. Time invested in being kind to others or yourself will have positive rewards for your life. It will make your perspective brighter and increase your positive thoughts and feelings, if nothing else. This positivity will make your life a more enjoyable experience because you decided to practice kindness and make being kind a focus of your day.

Kindness is Contagious

Like the most popular viral video you can think of, compassion can spread from one person to another. Each small act of kindness has the possibility of sparking understanding in another. If you choose to say the kind word or do the kind deed, there is no telling how far that act may go. It may allow someone else to see the value of kindness and practice it as well. And that, in turn, may lead someone else to focus on goodness too. So your kind thought or act can ripple through the world and affect people you have never met positively. The influence is just as significant for unkind people. So choose your words and deeds well.

Our Responsibility

Each of us is responsible for the effects our behavior has on the world. We set an example for others to follow, consciously or unconsciously. Each focused thought, word, and action allows you to take control of your influence and make it exactly what you want it to be today, right now at this moment. Focus on practicing kindness in your life in all of your interactions and see what happens. One thing is for sure, and the world will be a better place because of your choices. They are things only you can do.

“How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single minute before starting to improve the world.” ~ Anne Frank

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind.” ~ Henry James

“When words are both true and kind, they can change the world.” ~ Buddha


“Let us seek to reign nobly on the throne of our highest self for just a single day, filling every moment of every hour with our finest, unselfish best.”~ William George Jordan


Daily Positive Thought- Give Encouragement

Encouragement is something you can give to others and yourself to allow people to become the best versions of themselves.

When you head out on your journey today, look for the ways you can encourage others to become the best they can be.  No matter how far you have come in life and how much success you have experienced, you can promote someone else in their struggles.  Try to help another person reach the next level in their goals. Or find a way to support yourself this day to be the best version of yourself possible.

Help Them Up

People hit snags in life and sometimes need a simple, kind word to find the strength to keep ongoing.  What effort does it take to offer this to a person?  We can get so wrapped up with what is happening inside our minds; the needs of others are ignored.  The simple things to give people, a word, a pat on the back, or just an acknowledgment that we see them trying is enough. Your encouragement could be the difference in keeping a person from giving up. Look for those who are down in life and could use some support and give it to them today. Be the person who encourages others.

The Next Level

See those people in your world who are pushing to move to accomplish a goal they set. These are significant accomplishments and need to be recognized and celebrated because the success of one person means that all people can achieve their goals.  Each positive result is not just for that person. It is for all people in the world.  When you see someone step out of their comfort zone and try something new, encourage them to keep going. Your thoughts, words, and actions could be the difference for someone to become all they can be.  Look for opportunities to help people in this way today, and you will make the world a better place and your life a more enjoyable experience.

Encourage YOU

The most important person you can encourage is yourself. You are a person that is often ignored or put last on our list of priorities. The thoughts that we entertain about our abilities and worth is the most significant factor in our success and enjoyment in life. Listen to the way you talk to yourself, and this is the place kind words are needed most. Too often, we chastise ridicule and diminish our efforts. We know we aren’t perfect, but we are human beings with nearly unlimited potential. It is important to remember that.  Speak kindly to yourself and encourage the steps you have to take to reach the goals you want to accomplish in life.

For people to become the best version of themselves, they have to encounter some encouragement along the way.  You can be the source of that encouragement for yourself and others.  It takes a little conscious thought.

“Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.” – Anne Frank

“Everything you need to accomplish your goals is already in you.”

“Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.”

“In case you forgot to remind yourself this morning: Your butt is perfect. Your smile lights up the room. Your mind is insanely cool. You are way more than enough. And you are doing an amazing job at life.”

“You are gold, baby. Solid gold.”