Tag Archives: Reflection

My Reflections

Reflections– serious thoughts or considerations.

reflectionLife is the most magnificent classroom we will ever find.

For the lessons to have value, there needs to be a concerted effort at reflection where severe thought or consideration is spent determining the meaning of things to you.

There is value in all experiences, but you have to look for it many times. Being more conscious of the moments we have to learn from and reflecting on them for value begins with your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. The Purpose of reflection is thoughtful contemplation of events to become the best we can be.  

The Value of Reflection

One of the rewards of reflection is that a person can take a complex, tumultuous situation and my valuable, meaningful moments from it. The human mind is always trying to make sense of things and determine where something fits in their experience. Without reflection, there is no room to reflectionlearn about or consider any new situation or results leading to learning. With a bit of contemplation, each case brings an opportunity for growth. Take advantage of that chance and become a better version of yourself.

This choice is not easy because the swirl of activity can be disorienting. Like a carnival ride, a lot of input in a short time. That is where reflection allows you to walk back over it, look for the value, and disregard the parts that aren’t helpful. Considering the amount that exists at the moment will give you the ability to grow almost as much as you choose to. You can find the calm in the chaos of life and provide that to other people as well. That is the value of reflection.

Reflect and Grow

One of the issues with being human is that we all have faults, and no matter what we are doing, we can do it a little bit better. It is only reflectionthrough thoughtful reflection that improvement can come. Even at a job you have been doing for years, and you can do it better. Reflection will show you potential paths for development and growth in all situations.

To refuse to reflect on performance and possibility is the only limit to improvement in anything you do. It is easy to get comfortable and think you have mastered any particular skill or activity. This complacency is the way to limit what you can be and grow into as your best self. Become conscious of what you are doing and never stop looking for potential innovation you can create. It is only through the reflection of people performing a task that improvement will arrive. One of man’s most significant faults is to believe they know it all. There are always new frontiers to conquer.


Today I urge you to be conscious of the situations in your life. At work, at play, or home. Look at what is happening and ask yourself reflective questions. How can this be better? What is of value here? What lesson can I learn? What else is here that I may not recognize on the surface? How can I be a better person because of this situation?

Being conscious of your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions will create more value from what you experience. Every moment is a chance to learn something, or it is a chance to know nothing, and you decide that value. 

Questions for Reflection:

What have you recently experienced that was painful but made you a better person for going through it? 

What is the most valuable lesson you have ever learned? 

What makes you the right person?

How can you improve at your job or a talent you participate in every day? 

Quotes on Reflections

“Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead.” ― Yvonne Woon, Dead Beautiful

“To reflect is to allow yourself a moment to learn valuable lessons every experience gives you.”

“Wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then.” Bob Seger



How does an event or situation make you feel?

Research indicates when people are feeling physical pain, general malaise, and chronic weariness, the cause can be linked to unexpressed emotion.  As a society, and primarily as men, we don’t learn how to adequately express our feelings or even notice the message they are trying to send us.

Uncomfortable or painful experiences are often pushed to the back burner of our minds because it is more comfortable at the moment to ignore rather than deal with the feelings they cause.  Unfortunately, these feelings still exist in our lives, even if we ignore them.  Learning to process our emotions healthily will increase our physical health and well-being, spiritually and mentally.  A person can express themselves by learning how to use appropriate words and actions in reaction to their emotions.

Noticing Your Feelings

It is essential to take a moment and see the emotions you are feeling. Just because you are feeling a certain way doesn’t mean you have to act on it. It means that you need to start noticing these emotions are there. This recognition is the first step in not being overwhelmed.  We have become so adept in our society at glossing over things with distraction (gaming, computers, media entertainment) That rarely is there a moment of silence to recognize what your emotions are telling you. Take that moment and notice how you feel. Learn to express them appropriately through words and actions.

Reflecting on Emotions

Ask some simple questions.  From where is this feeling coming? Why am I feeling it now? What is this emotion trying to tell me?  Seeking honest answers will give you a clue about any underlying emotional issues hiding in the background. The more you understand your feelings, the better you can deal with life. Instinctually we don’t want to show the world that something is bothering us or we are affected by things. Inside we view it as a weakness, but the real gap comes from not understanding the message of our emotions.

Strength in Acceptance

Many situations in life do not occur from a conscious choice.  If you are dealing with death, loss of job, accident, illness, aging, or betrayal, these are complicated situations that lead us to fight back in unhealthy ways. Denial, escaping into fantasy, substance abuse, manic activity, or overstimulation can be standard ways to deal with the flood of emotions hitting you.  Until you accept a circumstance as accurate, it is impossible to deal with it in an emotionally healthy way. Taking something doesn’t mean you give up. It only means that you understand where you are and why. This action will give you power over your emotions and how to deal with them.

Using Your Power

Becoming emotionally and intellectually self-aware will allow you to create insights into situations that will make the decision-making process easier to process. This infrastructure will work in all aspects of your life because you are working from a platform of honesty.  Our feelings are there to help guide us, and when they get attention, you are proactive. You are starting to write your own story.

Here are some emotions and what they might be trying to tell you.

Bitterness- Showing you where you need to heal, where you’re still holding judgments on others, and, most importantly, yourself.

Resentment- Letting you know you live in the past and not allow the present to be as it is.

Discomfort- There is an opportunity for change right now. Pay attention to what is happening and try to do something different than you typically do.

Anger- Warning sign, which displays your passions lie. It will also show up when boundaries are crossed or when you see things in your world that you feel need to change — anger is an excellent guide to your inner workings but a poor creator of your behavior.

Disappointment- It can be hard to deal with situations that don’t work out. It shows you are above apathy and still care about people and things.  Disappointments in our past not dealt with and accepted will lead to apathy and lack of expectation.

Guilt- If you are still living in the shadow of other people’s expectations of you.  Mistakes happen, things get broken, other people are not always going to like what you do. That is their emotional baggage, not yours.  Accept responsibility for your actions, put them behind you, and move forward.

Shame- It happens when we internalize the expectations of others on how we should be or live or who we have been or have lived in the past. Time to reconnect with yourself and understand who you are and what makes you happy.

Anxiety- This is a feeling that stems from fear — usually fear of the past or fear of the future.  You need to come into the present moment and let the past be the past and the coming fall where it will.  Anxiety is a clear guidepost to get into the present moment. Identify the thought that is leading to a feeling of dread.

Sadness- There is a depth of feeling that brings on sadness. Sadness will display when we look at the world and care deeply about others their circumstances and situations.  Ask what is making you sad?

Whatever your emotions are today, seeking to understand how they affect you is a move toward empowerment.  No matter what you do, your feelings will exist and continue to touch you. Either you can allow them to control your life, or you can use them to determine what they are guiding you toward.

“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.” -Daniel Goleman.

“75 percent of careers are derailed for reasons related to emotional competencies, including the inability to handle interpersonal problems, unsatisfactory team leadership during times of difficulty or conflict, or inability to adapt to change or elicit trust.”  -Center for Creative Leadership.

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.” -Dale Carnegie.

“When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem. We have to slow down and deal with what is troubling us so that we can enjoy the simple joy of being happy and at peace with ourselves.” -Jess C. Scott. 

“The only way to change someone’s mind is to connect with them from the heart.” 
-Rasheed Ogunlaru

“No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”
 -Theodore Roosevelt

“Unleash in the right time and place before you explode at the wrong time and place.” -Oli Anderson.



What is Your Reflection Telling you? Do you see your true self?

There are stories in which the mirror represents the ultimate truth-teller. Look in a mirror, and you may see the true you peering back at you. There is no denying your age, experience, physical issues, eye color, or any physical trait. They are all there, placed in your awareness right in front of you.  But there is another aspect of the mirror people avoid. It tells the truth about the decisions you are making and have made in your life.  Do these decisions honor you? Do they dishonor you?

The mirror reflects a clear image of this answer.  When we look into the mirror, we need to prepare for the cold hard truth.  Have you been honest with others and yourself?  Have you treated others as you would like to be treated?  The mirror doesn’t judge; it merely reflects your truth to you.  Whether you want it or not.  Be conscious of your mirror today, in thoughts, words, and actions.  Do you like your reflection?

Judgment of  Others

The mirror is not emotional and doesn’t sugarcoat things for you. Instead, it is an accurate reflection of all you have done and do in life.   People spend a lot of time judging other people, their choices in life, and what they are doing financially, in relationships, or in any other aspect of their life.  The irony of the mirror is that we can’t see flaws in others that don’t exist in us.  So before belittling others for their circumstances, take a look in the mirror and see your flaws clearly before harming someone else with your thoughts.

The mirror makes this clearer and brighter as you get more experience in life. Mistakes, misjudgments, wrong turns, bad decisions, and the like are going to happen.  Take the lesson, and they are not harmful. Ignore the wisdom they give, and you will repeat them over and over again.  Look at your reflection before you criticize the flaws in someone else.  There is nothing that will humble you quite like a reflection. It is always essential to focus on your reflection and worry about your actions and let the actions of others represent their value, ethics, and worth as a person. It is none of our business.

What we Might Be

There is another answer in the mirror and its reflection if you look real close.  Within the image that you see is the potential of all you can be and accomplish. Unfortunately, too often don’t want to see this reflection because we are so far away from achieving that.  But there it is, waiting for you to find a way to accomplish it. So how do you do this? One step at a time.

Don’t look at your life as a fixed image. It isn’t.  It is continually changing and evolving into something else.  Your decisions are made each day, and the actions we take determine what our life is capable of producing as you make choices that honor you, the reflection changes accordingly. The same happens if you make dishonoring choices.  There is something to be said for being able to look yourself in the eye with pride. Your decisions determine bright eyes and a clear conscience.

All Things Mirror

All the things that you do will present a mirror image of your life.  Your reflection appears in all the relationships you build, the things you create, the thoughts you entertain, and how you treat other people. All items are a direct reflection of your philosophy of life and your choices to improve your standing in life.

It is a strange thing to see your reflection in your life. It tells you not what you wish you were or what you wish you had but what you are without hesitation or reservation.  The significant part of this is that we are in total control of the reflection we will see.  Forget the past and start entertaining thoughts that are honoring right now. Be honest in all you do today.  Treat each person in your life as if they are the most critical person in the world.  You can do it today, and your true intentions will be reflected flawlessly back to you in your mirror.  Do you like what you see?

“I’m a mirror. If you’re cool with me, I’m cool with you, and the exchange starts. What you see is what you reflect. If you don’t like what you see, then you’ve done something. If I’m standoffish, that’s because you are.”- Jay-Z.

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.”  – Thomas Paine.


Nostalgic Music Month Success

Nostalgic Music Month a complete success

Nostalgic Music Month took place in October of 2017. Each day Mike Martin and I (Jon Hilton) chose nostalgic music and wrote about what they meant. Each attacked the subject differently and in the end, it was clear that music effects everyone in life. This is a reflection of that process.

What did I learn?  Music is a constant for people of many different backgrounds. I learned that creating something is important to the soul. We should all be looking for ways to create every day. I also learned that many memories of people and events can be brought back to mind by listening to a song. Even though those memories are gone, sometimes they seem real enough to reach out and touch. If only for a minute.

What was great? Remembering the music was great but better than that was to visit the person that I was throughout My life. At different points of my development, there were a lot of different versions of myself over time.  One thing I realized through this project is that the people that were a part of my life are still just as important today as they were then. Even though we are separated by time and circumstance the effects of those people are real. From childhood, high school, college, and adult life. All that affected me are still important.

What is missing? I think we could have actively involved more people if we had planned better. It was the nature of the project that we were not collaborating with each other about the daily productions. There were many artists that I didn’t include because there were only 31 days. I wrote about the ones that resonated with me on that day.  Elton John, Cat Stevens, The Beatles, The Police, Alice Cooper, ACDC, Meatloaf, Pearl Jam and Jimmy Buffett are just a few off the top of my head I wish could have been included. Most of all though, it was fun and that is the juice that made it happen.

What is this leading to? In the beginning, the project was done with no expectations and no set agenda. The results have made me appreciate the ability to create.  It is a powerful thing to create something that didn’t exist before you made it up in your mind.  It is good for your body, mind, and spirit. It has also led to ideas of creating things in other genres. Video, podcasts, and of course more writing. Even if nobody else read these pages, it’s alright. The purpose was for self-expression and growth and that occurred.

The complete list of Nostalgic Music Month with links to each. Feel free to visit each one that resonates with you.

Day 31- Halloween/Dr. Hook

Day 30-Michael Jackson/VanHalen

Day 29-Pink Floyd/Spin Doctors

Day 28-Journey/Loverboy

Day 27-Bob Segar/Iron Maiden

Day 26- David Bowie/Miley Cyrus-

Day 25- Jackson Browne/Don McLean

Day 24- Queen/Def Leppard

Day 23- Rolling Stones/ Bruno Mars

Day 22- Steve Miller Band/ U2

Day 21- Moody Blues/ Kenny Loggins

Day 20- Billy Joel/ Terry Jacks

Day 19- John Mellencamp/ Jack Johnson

Day 18- 1985/ Van Morrison

Day 17- Water/ Thin Lizzy

Day 16- Monday/ Bon Jovi

Day 15- Creedence Clearwater Revival/Micheal Martin Murphy

Day 14- Simon and Garfunkel/ Harry Chapin

Day 13- Bob Marley/ Jim Croce

Day 12- Peter Gabriel/ Ratt

Day 11- Phil Collins/ Depeche Mode

Day 10- Bruce Springsteen/ Alanis Morrisette

Day 9- Bob Dylan/ Nirvana

Day 8- James Taylor/ The Eagles

Day 7- Kiss/ George Thorogood

Day 6-John Denver/Gordon Lightfoot

Day 5- Guns’n’Roses/ Aerosmith

Day 4- The Kinks/ The Congos

Day 3- Tom Petty

Day 2- The Who/ Mamas and the Papas

Day 1- Dire Straits/ Night Ranger