Tag Archives: List

Our Personal Assignments

make a list
Who’s on your list?

I was reading a great article the other day, which stated that we all have a list. This list contains people who need us or has needed us at some point, in some way in their lives. Our personal assignments will help us achieve, get through, or overcome something. Or perhaps to help make their lives a little bit better and brighter. When you look at life like this, each interaction you have throughout the day can put a new person on your list if you want it to.

How many times can you choose to do something for someone else that will make their day a little happier? Quite a few, I bet. Each conversation, chance meeting, or interaction provides the opportunity. Those people just made your list. I encourage you to start looking for the times you were a gift to others and for those who were a gift to you.

You, Will, Look at People Differently

Train your mind to see the good in every situation
The good is there when you look for it.

Start making a list for yourself right now. Think about just the last 24 hours and the interactions with people that you have had. I guarantee that each provided some energy to the participants, from the most intense to the most distant. Whether that energy was positive or negative is the question you have to answer.

In these interactions, most provided something that you needed, someone else needed, or both. You are the catalyst in these situations that dictate what energy surrounds you. Make this list, see what you are contributing to the lives of others, and, almost as significantly, what they are contributing to you.

Be Positive with your List

People will become more interesting, and you will view each interaction under a different scope. I often feel like my interactions with people are beneficial for both parties. However,

Be kind to one another
Kindness is a simple thing

; I also notice things I want to avoid.

When I am conscious of what I am contributing to others and they to me, negative things seem to stand out. When a person engages in gossip about someone else, I know nothing I want to be involved with. I always say something positive about the person or situation being discussed. After a while, people give up talking about other people around them. This makes your conversation with them more favorable for both parties involved. They are definitely on your list.

Value those who lift you up

Noticing the tenor and tone of interactions will also allow you to appreciate the positive energy that people bring to your life because you are clear on their list. When you recognize the positive energy, you are left with after encountering someone, it is common sense to seek them out more often. All people want to feel good, and those who make us feel a great need to be in our lives more and more. Make sure you allow yourself to be added to their list. Conversely, those who leave us feeling tired, angry, or just plain old negative about things, need to be avoided. Life is too short to be miserable. Eventually, you have to shorten your list by avoiding the habitually negative.

Look for more people to add to your list.

Each person that you come in contact with is a potential member of your list. Add them freely and look for the moments that you can add a little positive momentum to others’ lives. It can be as simple as smiling, holding a door open, or giving a compliment. These things happen all the time and should be appreciated by all parties involved. It is simple to make a living a little bit more positive for all involved, and it all begins with a conscious effort to be kind, considerate, understanding, or giving. Look for the people who are your personal assignments today. They are there waiting for you.

Make A List

List– several related items or names are written or printed consecutively, typically one below the other.

Life is not a solo sport, and no matter how much you may try to stay disconnected from others, there will be those who will need you at some point. These people have been placed on your list of assignments for life, and how well you manage to provide them with the guidance and support they need will determine your actual success in life. You may not know some of the people on your list yet, but knowing that they exist may have you start looking for them. It begins with conscious awareness that people depend on you to give them a hand through the rough patches. It begins with n awareness of your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions today.

All People Have a List

There isn’t a person in the world who doesn’t have a list. Position and power don’t have much to do with it. Being human does.   Some on our lists are easy to identify, they are our relatives, and of course, we care about them, but others who need us may not be all that evident  Keep this in mind your listin your daily dealings with all people, are they on your list  Do they need a thing from you  Are they one o your assignments?

At the very least, you can try not to hinder others, who are doing their best to help their assignments. Please treat them with respect, regardless of social status, job titles, or current situation. Have empathy t t their list exists and needs them. Or perhaps they are on your list and require you to provide them with some critical elements of their existence, Either way, be kind to the plight of others.

Whose List Have You Been On?

In your life, there have been times you needed things from others. None of us is an island globally, and we are all connected. No matter how wealthy a person is or how well they have planned their lives, there are times they your listneed somebody. Look back at y r whole life and honestly see the people who drifted into your life to give you a bump or boost at a particular time, Just when you needed it.

An encouraging word, a visit, support when you are down  A friend who n er wavers or loved ones who have supplied unconditional love all your life  I don’t know whose list you have been on, but I am positive that your name has been on a file or two in your life  Be grateful for that, and appreciate what a great thing that is  Your mission in life is critical to others, and you have quite a value.

Your List Gets You Thinking Positively

Sometimes we get stuck in our heads, thinking about selfish, harmful things. Your list and those who need you provide a natural break from negative thinking and push you toward being more positive. Whether you like it or not. It is just about impossible to do something kind, thoughtful, or supportive for another and not feel optimistic. The symbiotic relationship also works the other way. It is impossible not to feel good inside when someone does something for you. So the lesson is to look for those on your list who need you today and come through for them.

You may do this every day already, which is great, but becoming more aware of how you fit into the cosmic movement of life can be a powerful awareness—your actions matter. For yourself and for all of those who need you, it is also comforting to know you are listed on someone’s responsibility list if you should need it as well. Take heart today and think about how lucky you are to be involved in this life. Be conscious o your list and those in and around your life working to provide what is needed for others. It is happening all around you and noticing starts by looking at your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions and how they affect your list of personal assignments.

“Give not because people expect you to but because the world needs you to.” – Tokoda

“Is it always to be a winners-losers world, or can we keep everyone in the game?” – Robert Fulghum

“I wish for all of us the blindness of love that makes us see no faults in the other.” – Kamand Kojouri