Tag Archives: Learning To Fly

Flying Lessons

Have you ever felt like you are ready to fly off on a new adventure or to find a new life? Only to see when you get to the point of taking the necessary action to accomplish the goal you desire, you cannot make those steps. Why is this happening? The feeling is of a bird with clipped wings. All of the talents and skills are there, and you know you can fly, but something is lacking. A person clips a bird’s wings to ensure it requires the ability to fly away. It is done by trimming a bird’s primary feathers, known as the “flight feathers.” A bird can’t operate without them and will stay in captivity safely with no ability to explore and fly as it feels needed.

This is the same process we follow in our lives many times. We have a safe, comfortable existence, but we are yearning for more. Only to find we have clipped our wings to remain in the safety of our current life. The positive here is the only limits we face are the ones we create for ourselves, and we can restore our clipped wings at will and fly to whatever destination we choose.

Feel Like Flying?

There is a feeling we all have at times of having clipped wings. Circumstances are working to keep us from flying precisely as we would like, exactly where we want to go. These are the limits we feel. Some are placed on us by our responsibilities to others, and more often, our wings are clipped by our vision of limitation. Each of us has a choice to make in life to remain grounded or caged or make the changes that will allow us to fly.

Most often, though, the limits we face are the ones that are stated in the thoughts we choose to believe, which create invisible bonds to our wrists and shackle us to where we are. But the secret is that they are not real, only imagined, and can be broken, discarded, and left aside anytime we choose. It is fantastic. So often, we experience a desire. For a moment, dream of how great it would be to share it, and then after a brief time, our mind attacks the idea and destroys our will to achieve it with negative comments and all the reasons we can’t possibly do that. That is the voice of your ego, and listening to it will make sure no flight ever happens.

Flight Plans

The ego is not evil. It is a part of you, and we have created it in our lives to protect us from suffering in life or, better, to help us deal with suffering in the best way possible. Any new situation is a threat to you. Of course, there is a potential for pain, but there is also a potential for growth, maturity, and gain as a person and what you can and do contribute to the world. There is a risk involved in any flight you choose to take. Once you dare to take off, there is no limit to where you go and what you can accomplish.

One of the benefits of writing a goal down is it becomes real in a tiny place. Not just a thought in your head, but you created an idea on paper, which is a significant first step. No matter what excuses the mind makes, the written goal is still there to read. And with it is the emotions of thoughts behind it. You want to travel to a destination because you want to see something unique or do something for the first time. Whatever you want to do, it takes courage to follow it and take steps to try.

Beating the Limits

Fear is the primary limit for everybody in everything they do. Fear of failure, what others will think of you, fear of disappointment, or being unsafe. These are just thoughts in your head, which are designed to keep you safe, but life is not intended to be a safe trip. Being safe always leads to little growth and stagnation, and that is no way to live life.

Find your desire for achievement and then strive to follow it. Look into your heart and find the courage to do, act, and take the flight, which is so terrifying to you. You have to surrender to being less than you are or taking a deep breath and seeing if you can fly. Sometimes the flight will come relatively easy, and other times it will take all of our efforts. But the bottom line is you can take that flight. You can heal your clipped wings and leave your “cage” limits behind you, just about any time you want to.

Fly Now!!

Today is the day for you! In some way, take your flight. It doesn’t have to be a three-month flight that changes every aspect of your life at this moment. There is something you have wanted to do in a small way, which you can do right now. Please write it down. Imagine what it would feel like to do that thing. How would your senses react to this thing? Then fly. Take steps to make that thing a reality today. The experience will come, and you can navigate it. One step at a time, stay in the moment and be present at the event. Not the idea of the thing but the thing itself. Let the goal encompass you and permeate into your life. The only person who can clip our wings is us. Take your flight and find your true passion in life.

When you think about flying, it’s nuts. Here you are at about 40,000 feet, screaming along at 700 miles an hour, and you’re sitting there drinking Diet Pepsi and eating peanuts. It just doesn’t make any sense.” David Letterman

Flying may not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price.” Amelia Earhart

Sometimes, flying feels too godlike to be attained by man. Sometimes, the world from above seems too beautiful, too wonderful, too distant for human eyes to see . . .” Charles A. Lindbergh

Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” Douglas Adams

I don’t fear flying; I have a fear of crashing.” Billy Bob Thornton


The Price of Love

If you could experience true love for only a week of your life would it be worth it?

by Jonathan Hilton Day 36

love worth livingSometimes life seems to be full of things that are dichotomous to experience. Both bitter and sweet to the senses and often times we have to make a decision if they are worth it or not.

 Love is one of these experience in life. There are so many positive things to it but in the end you have to wonder is it really worth it?  Wouldn’t the time be better spent developing a talent or learning to fly a kite or something?

 The answer I give in the final analysis is based on the weight of the measure of the positive power of love against the angst and pain that remain when for whatever reason love ends. That is the dilemma this question asks you to solve.

The Power of Love

There is nothing that can make you feel as good as being in love. The connection that you have with one other person which allows you to know that there is something unique and special inside of you that someone else appreciates.

love All of you flaws are overlooked for a moment and the positive ingredients that make you who you are,  seem to be enough, like shining jewels in you soul that are invisible to everyone else.

There is nothing more important than spending time with that person you love.  Hours are condensed to moments and moments are non-stop fun, interest and your heart actually hurts when you are apart.  There is a counting of the moments until you are together again.

 Someone’s love for you is very powerful and can allow you to grow and accomplish things together that apart would be impossible.  Love has the power to make you unbelievably happy and when you appreciate that you live in the moment like at no other time in your life.

The Price you Pay

There is a significant cost that you sometimes pay for love however, for no good thing comes for free or without risk.  Love is so precious that many times we start to let fear of losing your love creep in and start to destroy the positives you feel.  Jealousy is one of the major culprits.

When you are afraid of losing your love then jealousy arises. It can be based on absolutely love we deservenothing, or on something from your past or any irrational fear, but once jealousy starts to creep in, love seems to be much harder to maintain.  Envy, anger, doubt, inferiority and ego also come with this package, but the culprit is fear. I don’t think you fall out of love as much as you fall into fear.

These negative emotions cause you to lose your empathy for that person you loved and once that is gone, there is no longer any love.

Once love is lost, there is no cure for the pain that you feel other than the calming salve of time. That does not do you any good when you are alone, can’t sleep and you miss the thing that made you so happy.

There is a hole in your soul that may in time be closed or perhaps it will just sit there, neither healing or being fatal to your existence. Just bearing a constant reminder of what once was and now is gone.  Is that pain really worth it when it comes to love?  When you just want to find a way to be normal, to find your worth again. To feel that special again.

Totally Worth It

True-love-is-always-worth-love-quotesI admit freely that in my past, I had totally given up on love and the fact that it could ever provide anything but pain and anguish in the end. Yet I know that there is a hope that love will rise and those feelings will come with it.

The idea that no better way to spend a day than talking about whatever it is that the one your love is interested in.   Life is a game that was designed to be played by pairs of people to be most effective.

Love makes this possible. With the power, the craziness, the mess, the loss, the happiness, the sadness, the fear, the jealousy, the joy, the anguish, the euphoria, the pain is all worth it. I would do it for a week, if that is all I was allowed to have.

I know I am a better person for those I loved truly and carry those victories and defeats happily in my heart!  If I was only allowed that kind of love for one day it would definitely be worth it. Life would be much less if I had never had her head on my shoulder or held her hand just to feel her near me.

 The memory of the power of that relationship gives a hope to the heart that tomorrow, a love may rise again. If it doesn’t come then you will at least have the memory of the power and purity and know that the most beautiful things in life are in fact possible.

If you could experience true love for only a week of your life would it be worth it?

It would be so good to see your face at my door!