Tag Archives: I accept my situation

Moving On With Life

Acceptance is the Opposite of Judgment
Acceptance means you are doing the best you can with what you have.

Many of my difficulties in life have come from a lack of acceptance. Whether it was not accepting someone else’s behavior, my circumstances, or just how events played out. My lack of acceptance has and always will lead to difficulties. Acceptance is the opposite of judgment, the positive side to that negative coin.

I Accept Your Behavior

Acceptance-2It is not my place to judge someone else’s behavior. No permission from me needed to do anything, good, bad, or indifferent. All of the behaviors of others are their business and not mine. Instead of judging someone for my perceptions of their actions, I will accept that they are doing their best with their life’s knowledge, options, and circumstances. All people are doing their best with what they have to work with.

I Accept My Situation

In life, we all have dreams and goals. Some of us have better-defined plans than others. It is a time that I stop judging myself so harshly as I reach for these dreams. Look at the distance you have traveled down your path in life. It is remarkable all of the things that you have experienced. Instead of judging yourself, continue to experience each day, comparing your life with someone else’s preconceived notions about what you should have done, except where you are. We all have a learning curve that we need to know the things we need to experience to be the best possible.

Accepting where you are will allow you to focus on moving forward rather than judging where you are or what you have been through. I have done my best with what I had to work with, and I am sure you have too!

I Accept Life

Many things in life appear to be crying out for my thoughts, judgments, and opinions that it is difficult to understand that they need none of those serenitythings, from all of the negative stories presented by the national media to the happenings in my community. None of them need my thoughts, judgments, or opinions to be happening. n fact, often, it is the choice to offer these things that bring your feelings down and bring with them fear, worry, and anxiety in the worst way.

The thing is that accepting events of the world is not the same as condoning them. Bad things happen, and having compassion for all the people affected by negative things can be powerful. If you’re getting events to build fear and worry, creating a positive attitude is challenging; even more, it allows these negative thoughts to control your actions. Look at the fear being generated today against people from different religions. l people are doing the best that they can with what they have.

I know that you are doing the best you can with what you have, and the world is a better place for it.

If you think that I can be forgiven, I wish you would…………… Accept who you are, where you are, and what is happening.

“Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that there’s got to be a way through it.” “Michael J. Fox

“D” e while alive and be thoroughly dead. T en does what you will, and all will be well.” “Philip Kapleau

“I am Dead, but it’s not so bad. I’ve learned to live with it.” “Isaac Marion

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” “Dalai Lama XIV

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