Tag Archives: giving not what you want

The Mirror of What You Are

life is a mirrorLife is a mirror, giving what you want and what you are.

This thought has been with me all day. As I think of what I want to write, I am experiencing a conflict that is not that rare. Should I write what I think or write what I think others would like to read? It is a simple choice on the surface, but in reality, it is a constant battle, and it has been going on since I started publishing blogs and letting people read my writing. However, over time, I have to write what I think and not worry about what others think. It is the only honorable thing to do.

Life is a mirror revealing your worst and best.

We all have less than encouraging voices about our abilities and thoughts. For me, they create an audience of negative people who continually judge my work, my thoughts, and my writing. The group is mocking in tone and cruel in practice. That is why there are thousands of essays I have created that were erased or just ignored. So sitting down today, I am writing about this to encourage others to ignore those voices in your life and be your best self. Life is a mirror that can reflect all the good you are and what you do in the world.

Life is a Mirror that reveals negative self-talk.

My negative self-talk is much less prevalent than it used to be, but it still needs to be noticed and combated for my best self to be presented to the world and provide the best thoughts I can that someone might benefit from hearing. Quite often, during a week, I will meet and talk with someone suffering from self-criticism, and the secret to ending it all is merely taking notice of the thoughts and realizing that it is a problem to entertain them. There is no doubt that each idea we welcome will dictate which chemicals release into our brain, which will work to determine our mood.

It is a fact that each thought we entertain will dictate which chemicals are released into our brain, each one working to determine our mood. Life is a mirror that will show these moods clearly to all who take the time to look.

Today concludes that life is a mirror that shows me what I am, and if I listen to negative self-talk about my writing, life, or character, I will never accomplish anything. The mirror of life will show you what you are each day. What do you see in your mirror? Is it someone with characteristics you admire? The admirable is there; you need to look harder if you are not seeing them.

Perhaps you need the eye of your significant other or someone who cares about you to make your positive attributes known. If your people are looking to change you, you need new people. Life is a mirror.