Tag Archives: cross roads

Standing At the Crossroads

I Went Down to the Crossroads

We all face many crossroads in life, but making decisions never gets easier.
We all face many crossroads in life, but making decisions never gets easier.

I have been mulling over a lot of choices lately. Which way should I be going? What move will take me down the road that I am supposed to move down to find success, happiness, love, or destiny?

Life has a way of putting you into positions of choice. Some are minor, and we make them without much fanfare and move on with our day. Then others seem to be huge decisions that will affect the path of your life forever.

These are the times that you can feel that you are at a crossroads, one direction, and your life will be this, the other, and your life will be that, straight ahead, another thing, and of course, there is the option to return the way you came. The choice may seem easy, but you know it will affect everything about your life, personally, financially, and your happiness level. There is no simple way to make this choice.

Magic of Choices

It takes little research to find mythological stories about

Sam and Dean are not going to be able to help you make your own crossroads choices. Unfortunately it is all up to you.
Sam and Dean will not be able to help you make your own crossroads choices. Unfortunately, it is all up to you.

Crossroads and what they actually may represent in your life. Symbolically they can represent the location where two realms come together and touch so that it is representative of a place that allows a more precise vision into two worlds at once. The problem is that you are neither in one nor another, and the only way to move forward is to choose.

It is believed in many cultures that the location between worlds is a prime location for magical happenings and visits from spirits. There are many different stories and songs in modern Western Culture about meeting with a crossroads demon and selling your soul to make your choice have a positive outcome. One quick viewing of a Supernatural season will teach you all you need to know about crossroads demons.

Unfortunately, the magic of being at a mental crossroads will not last forever, and you must make a choice. Perhaps it is because it is so difficult to choose that societies and cultures have created stories about magic. Because the choice will ultimately end up either exceptionally good or bad, those decisions on the outside might seem like they are controlled by forces other than simple life.

Unfortunately, there will be no supernatural assistance in making a choice, and you have to do the best that you can all by yourself. That is the real magic of these moments, the option to move one way or another.

Make Your Choice, Take your Chances, Accept Results

Finally, there will be a moment when the choice is made, moving forward onto the unknown or untested ground every day. Some will work out great, and others will teach you something about yourself that you need to know. The one thing that is paramount to remember is that a choice will

Make your choices, pay your money, take your ride and see where it takes you.
Make your choices, pay your money, take your ride, and see where it takes you.

be made each day about the path you are going down.

If you do nothing, that is a choice, and the resulting experience will come your way. Sometimes that is the best thing to do. However, standing still most often will not get you anywhere positive, and it will stop you from reaching for what you want. There are only so many moments for peering down each option and weighing the apparent pros and cons.

In reality, we know nothing about the long-term experiences that each road has to offer. So make your best guess and start moving down it, and the experiences will come, most often the ones you need at the time, and it is vital to stay strong and realize that there will be learning experiences in all of them.

Sometimes there are seemingly opposing things that are very positive for you. Life is about choices each moment, finding the courage to accept love over fear, and meeting your daily challenge head-on. Strikeout down that road and let life happen, good, bad, or indifferent, you will be the owner of that destiny, and like it or not, it belongs to you anyway.

A song about Choices by Boo Ray— a Sea of lights a gentle breeze, take me to Los Angeles. ——All your choices.

One of my favorite Don McLean songs from a long time ago reminds me of traveling down these roads.