Tag Archives: be confident

These Masks

Masks of Life

Masks are used to hide a true identity. What does yours hide?
Masks are used to hide a real identity. What does yours hide?

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, or how much you have. You have spent a significant part of your life creating and wearing masks to hide your true identity. Authentic masks have become convenient in protecting our true identity in social situations. They bring us power, acceptance, or even can allow us to survive. Unfortunately, once used, they become pretty permanent.

These masks come in all varieties, shapes, and sizes and, in many cases, serve you quite well. They help to project the image that you want. But still, inside of us, there is a real person who is slowly suffocated by the masks we have chosen to wear.

Why I Built Masks

Hiding my true self, was for protection. It became almost permanent.
Hiding my true self was for protection. It became almost permanent.

As early as I can remember, there are many memories of support, recognition of who I was, and an appreciation for what I brought to the world. Then it started to change; other people did not seem to accept me as my loved ones did.

It is one of nature’s oldest forms of protection, camouflage. We feel safe by disguising the attributes that we take criticism for, causing us to experience pain. I think we feel protected, but it is false protection at a considerable price.

Although I was still the friendly, caring kid I was, I started to put on a mask that would help me get through the rough seas of acceptance that childhood makes you travel. It worked! I could hide and be whatever was more acceptable, funnier, meaner, less accepting of others—even narrow-minded and worse, unkind, insensitive, and even cruel.

Careful It May Get Stuck

The masks I constructed to get through the pains of growing up were helpful. It would be

Careful, they may become hard to get rid off.
Careful, they may become hard to get rid of.

insane to claim anything else. However, there is a problem we never think of at first. The masks we build become less of a cover and more of a permanent fixture. I began to forget who I was.

Since I wore the mask I wore, that became the dominant feature of my personality. I assume that actors sometimes have difficulty separating themselves from their characters. My life slowly yet inevitably became a permanent production of the mask that now was seemingly stuck in my existence.

The Real Tragedy

Don't Forget Who You Are.
Don’t Forget Who You Are.

After a while, we have forgotten all about who we were in the past and the essence that we were born with that made us great in the first place. Sometimes events have forced us to wear the mask for protection, and the events which cause this frighten us so much that we feel we need them forever.

Then as life passes and we realize that something isn’t right, we see that the mask we are wearing has made it almost impossible to remember anything about who we are. We don’t think we could recognize ourselves, even if we saw our true selves. That loss of identity is the real tragedy of the mask.

Losing your Mask

Like anything built sturdily and over time, you are getting rid of your mask is not something you can do in a day, a week, or sometimes even a year. Yet it is not complicated, and anyone can do it.

The trick to getting rid of your mask is remembering who you are and learning to accept it and love that person. The negative voices that fill your head with gibberish need to be expelled. All past bad experiences need to be forgiven, and you need to forgive yourself. Pay attention to the positive thoughts and feelings that surround being yourself.

The biggest fear of someone who wears a mask is that someone else will see through it and reject or be horrified by what they see. That can’t be the case because we are born with a unique person inside that is the essence of greatness. If someone sees something other than that, they are looking in a mirror, understanding their problems, not yours.

“We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.” – André Berthiaume

“Nothing is more real than the masks we make to show each other who we are.” – Christopher Barzak

“Like icebergs, people normally expose only a small part of themselves, and generally just the part they wish to show.” – Nikki

“People seldom change. Only their masks do. It is only our perception of them and the perception they have of themselves that actually change.” – Shannon L. Alder


Confident In Me

If you are not confident in yourself, who will be?

One of the most important things we can do to find our strength in life is actively and consciously groom our confidence.  If you believe you can do something, nobody else will be able to stop you.  There are definite steps you can take to let your natural confidence thrive, which will allow you to be more productive and become the best version of yourself possible.  I  have a few suggestions to drive your confidence train into the station of success.  They are simple but not always easy.

See It and Be It

Visualization is a valuable tool to help you build your confidence.  One of the great things about being a human is that our minds are a great tool to create anything we want.  Visualize yourself as you would like to be in a year, a month, and a day.  Then live your life.  Consistently visualize your outcome, and you will take steps to reach the goal you have in your mind.  If you are consciously aware of where you want to get, you will take steps to get yourself there.  Once you achieve this way once, your confidence will soar.

Create a Mission Statement

Creating a positive statement that you use daily to remind yourself of what you are all about in life.  If you aren’t thinking about what you can do, you may listen to other people who will gladly tell you what you can’t do.  Using an affirmation to remind yourself of your strengths, goals, and ability will allow you to increase your confidence.  Write it down, read it, remember it every morning and let your thoughts of faith permeate throughout your day.

Do Things That Scare YOU

It is easy to think that you know your limits.  But once you step out of that comfort zone and survive them.  Once you know that you can do one thing you are scared of, you can move on and do other items you might be afraid of tackling.  Confidence grows from conquering your fears.  Most of them are just limiting thoughts we have carried from our youth.  If you allow one thing to stop you because of doubt, you will enable many things to stop you.  Overcoming the thoughts of fear in your head will let you be more confident.

Be Kind To Yourself

Simply watching your inner voice and noticing how you speak to yourself and think about yourself can help you increase your confidence if you learn to recognize the cynical inner critic and replace those thoughts with positive and supportive ones.  It is easy to build every slight misstep into a giant mistake.  Nobody is perfect, and mistakes are going to happen.  Use them as learning experiences and not definitions of your character or talents.  Only let your mind speak to you as you would talk to a small child.  You deserve the kindness, and it will allow your confidence to grow.

Confidence in our abilities and developing into the best version of ourselves is a realistic possibility for us.  Your mind is a thought-creating machine, it is better to take control of those thoughts and focus on the good ones and allow yourself to see the best in all other people, but most of all, to see the possibilities inside of yourself.  Be conscious of your level of confidence, and good things will happen.

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others.  Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval.  Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts them.”― Lao Tzu

“Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it.” ― Dorothy M. Neddermeyer

“Noble and great.  Courageous and determined.  Faithful and fearless.  That is who you are and who you have always been.  nd understanding it can change your life because this knowledge carries a confidence that cannot be duplicated any other way.”― Sheri L. Dew

“Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.”- Theodore Roosevelt