Tag Archives: action destroys fear

You Control the Action

The Law of Action- Action must be taken to result in creating anything.

Nothing happens until we decide to take action. You can have the most significant plans in the world for accomplishing a goal, but until you take steps to put a plan into motion, it is just an image of your mind—no more real than thoughts about the Easter Bunny. But action makes something that was just once an intention in your mind come into reality. It takes courage to take action on a plan and try to bring it to life. Many have thought that imagining what they want and seeing it in visualization is enough, but it is only a part of the process; an action is energy breathing power into our dreams and creating concrete. Only air existed before. Where can you take action today to move your dreams and goals toward becoming a reality?

Time for Action

Action can be taken at any time in life and provide those who take it with many adventures and exciting experiences. They will create inventions, books will be written, and knowledge will be gained when you decide to take action. We have to see what results.   The best thing about it is that anyone, as far as I know, is capable of taking action at any moment. If you have been hesitant or feeling fearful, taking action is the cure. Fear is erased with action. Once you move on something, you see what happens, and then at least you know. Knowledge is not fearful.

Many people can do great things and think great thoughts about how the world should be run or how a business could be different. All possess the capacity to take action on those thoughts and create them in this reality, yet very few do this. Why? Fear is generally the reason. Fer that they cannot accomplish the task or fear it won’t work out. Or fear in general about life. Now is the time to take action, but fear to bed and see what essential things shake out of your goals and dreams. Action is the only way.

Our Blocks to Action

It is a simple concept on the surface to apply yourself fully to what you already know you want, but we are people. Each of us possesses our unique load of difficulties, differences, and fears that can prevent us from applying ourselves and our efforts toward finding our dream. Fear is the biggest of these, and it can make the strongest of people pause their endeavors.

personal developmentThere are two types of fear that lead to people never applying themselves toward their goals. The first is the fear of failure. This is the fear that tells you not to try because you are going to fail anyway. We all have attempted to do something in our lives and experienced failure, and it hurts! Our ego remembers, and when we are put in a similar feeling position, the fear of failure kicks in and stops us before we begin.

The second is a fear of success. There are several reasons that people fear success. It could be a fear of finding out what they dreamed of wasn’t all they thought it was in the first place. As long as you never try to make your dream a reality, it will always be perfect in your mind. If I could be wrong about that, what else am I wrong about? The fear of success paralyzes and stops a real effort from being taken toward accomplishing our dreams. The law of action defeats all types of anxiety. You are not fearful of the moment you take action, and you are focused on taking action. 

Focus on Your Voice

There is a voice that guides our actions in each of us, and it performs this duty with perfection and for our greater good. Unfortunately, many of us lack a practical aptitude for hearing this voice, much less following it.

The voice is not in your mind but your heart, and it can only be heard when you quiet the mind and listen. This guide can tell you what you need to know and help guide your steps toward your dreams. Some call it intuition. To quiet the mind is a simple breathing practice, focusing on your breath and not paying attention to the endless stream of thoughts in your mind. A large portion of which are not necessary, relevant, or fear-based.

If you experience a setback, this voice will tell you to keep ongoing. Regardless of what other people or your mind think, your greatness will be revealed when listening to this voice. Quiet your mind and focus on your inner voice. Take action. It is never wrong.

Take Action Right Now

Nothing has ever taken place in the history of the world without action of some kind. You can safely bet that the rest of your life will go that way. Decide what you want and take action toward achieving it. If you had a seed in your hand, it would not grow until you accept the action of planting it into the soil. Then it can do what it is meant to do. Other things in life are the same. Someone has to draw the blueprints, fund the project, and start to process moving. Action makes everything happen.

Since something is better than nothing, the action is essential because nothing is all you get in life without it. It is the most critical factor in creating anything in your life. It is a matter of getting energy in motion, and that motion will make things happen. Good, bad, or neutral, the Law of Action brings all things into our reality.

“Actions speak louder than words.” – Abraham Lincoln.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” – Chaucer. 

“Willing is not enough. We must do.” -Johann Von Goethe