Tag Archives: action builds commitment

Just Taking Some Action

Taking action
Taking Action can be scary, but it is the one thing you can do right now to move toward your goals.

An individual’s most significant power is to analyze a situation, determine if it benefits them, and then take Action to enhance the current situation or move in a new direction. Taking Action is a necessary factor in any success story.

The difference between those who are successful and those who are not is the Action they take each day to move toward their goals. Want to write a book? Start writing. Want to build a car? Start building. Want to have love in your life? Start loving others. Making the conscious choice to take Action is the most empowering thing you can do. Here are five benefits that taking Action will bring into your life.

Taking Action Eliminates Fear

fear 33Human beings are always dreaming. We can accomplish who we want to be, and fear is the most significant thing stopping us. Fear of failure, if we don’t find success, then what? I don’t want to look foolish. Failure is the first step to achieving anything.

Reevaluate, re-plan, and try again, fearlessly through Action. Fear of success, if you become successful in your dream, what? Action eliminates fear and will allow you to become what you dream of. Without Action, nothing will ever happen. Taking Action will eliminate fear, which is the only thing that can.

You Know Where You Stand by Taking Action

Until you test an idea or theory with Action, you never know if it will work or not. So you can sit there where is standwith great dreams and plans, thinking about how much money you will make or how famous you will be when this great “thing” is done. Take Action and see if that book will sell, that invention will make millions, or that business can’t fail. The move will allow you to evaluate where you are and what work your dreams need to be great. Without Action, the greatest ideas will be castles in the air.

If you want to have a relationship with a particular person, you will never know what might happen if you never take Action to ask them out. Activity will display a measuring stick; if the relationship is not going to happen, you can stop wasting your time and move on to something more productive. Taking specific Action toward your goal will reveal the reality of the situation and the distance required to travel.

Taking Action Calls for Help

One of the great benefits of taking Action is that your intentions are displayed to the world, and through Action, you help to achieve what you want as that avenue arrives. By actually taking steps to begin and starting toward your goal, people of similar interests may be drawn to you. Someone else may have the missing piece to your puzzle of success. If you have an open mind and accept others’ ideas, success may be just on the other side of a simple action.

Energetically, I believe that what you seek is also seeking you. Setting your intention into fact through Action will attract similar people to you. Take Action and draw the assistance you need, or take no action and sit in quiet, unsuccessful anonymity.

Taking Action shows Commitment to Your Success.

commitmentOnce you take Action toward a goal, it becomes real, and once a dream starts to become real, our commitment to its ultimate success increases. Until this point, it was just an idea on a planning board, but now that you have taken Action, your vision has started to come to life. Becoming committed to a tangible thing is much easier than an idea. Thoughts are powerful, but thoughts can change and be easily discarded. The reality is much more persistent. Once the first domino is pushed, it is natural to follow the string. It is taking the next Action and the one needed after that.

Memories of the Journey

So there you are, looking for success, planning your wildest dreams, and all it needs to become a reality is taking actionfor you to have the courage to take Action. Make a call, start a website, publish that, arrange that article, sell that, pitch the idea, and be brave and unafraid to fail. Sitting still is safe but will never allow you to finish a race.

The path to success in anything will be a journey from planning through Action to evaluating your efforts. The journey along the way will supply the stories you remember fondly and the relationships forged in the accomplishment. It all begins with taking Action.

  • An idea not coupled with Action will never get bigger than its occupied brain cell.
    Arnold Glasow
  • You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
    Joe Sabah
  • Don’t be afraid to take a big step. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.~ David Lloyd George
  • We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.~ Aristotle
  • The superior man acts before and afterward and speaks according to his Action.
  • The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions.  ~ Confucius