Tag Archives: achieve your dreams

Dream Possibility

7825225598_c7cd7347c8It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.  – Paulo Coelho

As we live our lives from day to day,  waking up in the morning, getting prepared for challenges ahead, and then journeying out into the world to see what adventures the day has in store for us, what is it that we are seeking? Some people are looking for fame, some are looking for fortune, and some are looking for it all.  Having a dream is the juice that makes life interesting. It provides unlimited possibilities and the chance of failure. We are all looking for something.

Losing the Dream

Living in America today, we are taught the dream that we “should” be pursuing. We have all heard it. You should do well in school, get good grades, get into the right college, graduate, develop a career, find a special someone, get married, have 2.5 kids, raise them, at 65, dreamyou retire and “live the good life.”  It seems to me that it is at that point, people realize that they never really had a dream of their own.

There is nothing wrong with this collective dream if it makes you happy, but for many, it replaces your desires, and you end up doing something that you are not devoted to.  A dream will allow you to have a special kind of passion for what you are trying to accomplish. There are rewards once the goal is achieved, but the journey is also a reward because you are doing what you are passionate about. How do we lose our dream?  It starts when we stop making choices for ourselves and allow others, society, family, the media, or others to choose what we think we should do.

The Interesting Thing About Dreams

Interestingly, our lives are a consistent pursuit of our dreams. When we are looking to live our dreams, we see new things and have new experiences that make our lives far more interesting. Remember those that tell you, “You can’t,” or “You can’t make money doing that.” or “That is so 7777777777777777771unrealistic,” all of these are just the limitations of other people. Accept them, and they become yours. Ignore them, and the limits you face will be created by you alone.

Do not sell yourself short or play a small game. You have greatness in you, and your dreams will be your expression of that greatness. The goals will allow you the share the best of yourself with others and inspire others to follow their dreams in turn.  If we are all striving to follow our dreams, what a world would it be?

Dreams make life more enjoyable because we don’t know the limits of humankind in any given area. We don’t know what our limits are.  The best of each of us can provide something the world has never seen before. What if nothing can stop you? What if you can invent the next big thing? What if you can sing that song? Win that race? Be famous? We can dream and see a more significant field for us to play in makes the world much more enjoyable.

What are your dreams, and how has the journey to achieve them make your life more enjoyable? 

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.  – Paulo Coelho