My Favorite Posts 2013

In the spirit of being grateful and letting go for the new year, I am looking back over the year of 2013 and choosing some of my favorite posts.  It seems like many of these were written years ago not months ago but here they are.

  1. I’m Really Blue, are You?  Written to check out the colors that associate with my personality.  Fun post to write.
  2. Embrace your Inner Geek  because we are all geeks in one form or another.
  3. My Core Beliefs because I still believe in them.
  4. The Darkness in the Mirror- I look in mirrors all the time.
  5. Everything you do Matters- because it does.
  6. My Next Step– Again an interpretive drawing exercise. I remember how much fun it was to do the drawings and read the interpretations. I wanted to reread it so that I could see how close it was.
  7. Like Monkeys Building Walls-  I really found that I have a really like monkeys.
  8. Are You Truly Living-  Because I think it is an important thing to know.


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