Living in the Moment

living in the momentLiving in the moment is a lost art. It is easy to get sucked into the thought patterns that take you into the past and allow a person to remember past triumphs, beautiful feelings, or pleasant times with those we love. Or conversely, people are lost in the worry about what might happen tomorrow, thinking up all kinds of disasters they might suffer but probably won’t. These two distractions regretting the past and worrying about the future, are the most significant factors causing suffering and unhappiness today. Learning to live, really live in the present, is the most powerful tool you can develop for a happy life. The only moment we are guaranteed in any life is this one; right here, don’t waste it by not being present.

Many live just by going through the motions, standing still, or worse yet, living in the glow of past events. There is nothing wrong with understanding and remembering your past, but allowing it to dominate your current life through nostalgia and thoughts of a romantic past will lessen the joy you can have today. Several others Living in the moment will provide happiness and satisfaction in each part of your day. In reality, it is all that you are guaranteed to have.

What is Past Is Prolog, Living in the Moment

All the events and experiences we have ever had are simply an introduction to what we will face today. Each experience, good, past is prolougebad, or neutral, is given to us as a gift to experience, understand, enjoy, feel, and learn from but then discard. You take the lesson from them and take it with you. But you leave the past behind you, which can do you no good. The weight of carrying who you were, where you were, and what you wished you had done is too much for the strongest person. The past is only an introduction and explanation for the person you have developed into today. Don’t let the past be the star. Fill that role yourself.

Most often, the lessons you learn will be vital in dealing with something in your future. There are many different opportunities to excel and grow because of the tasks that the past provides you with. Even a bad experience can bring an understanding or lesson you need to accomplish a goal or follow a dream. Don’t bother getting all wrapped up in a bad experience, as it will only weigh you down like an anchor. Take the lessons and values and move forward. In doing this, you can strive to become the best version of yourself.

Leave it ALL Behind Practice Living in the Moment.

Once you learn the lessons, those must be all you take. Pleasant and bad memories need to be placed aside because they take attention away from what you can get out of living in the momenttoday. Right now is a powerful place and the only place you can be right now. There is no yesterday, last hour, tomorrow, or an hour from now. None of these places are guaranteed to you in any way.

The past is often taken out of context in our minds, and we remember the past how we want it to rather than how it was. This is demonstrated in every event witnessed by a group of people. When you approach them separately, the story will never be the same. Rarely is the story even close to what it is in reality. The past is nothing to build a life on because the memories you bank on are most likely partially fabricated. The benefit is that if you don’t like what happened, you can change that story to something more positive and supportive. This moment is all that you have.

Living in the moment is the only reasonable choice for becoming your best in whatever you want to accomplish.


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